15: Count Me In

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Mirai remembered their parents. 

It was a pretty common thing in foster care. Everyone expected an orphan Annie, someone who had never experienced parental love and affection and were just itching for parents. A perfect, ready made kid. Okay, maybe they should stop badmouthing the stereotype because that was literally Hibiki and Hibiki was great. 

Its just...well Mirai had an interesting time of it. Their parents had been very normal, loving people. Sure they didn't exactly understand Mirai's sudden change in personal pronouns, but they interpreted it more as them growing up earlier than others and less as a whole gender change. Mirai didn't push it much, since people barely ever used kanojo and kare outside of the boyfriend-girlfriend context anyways. 

Mirai was 9 when things went wrong. They still remembered the police raiding the family business, a stationary store. Money laundering. Their parents were part of a larger group and just used the store as a front. 

And then Mirai was on their own. The first foster home was fine, a nice young family with a 4 year old bio kid. They seemed great. But then a baby showed up. Not their bio kid, but a foster placement. 

They liked the baby a lot more than they liked Mirai, because the baby would eventually call them mom and dad. Mirai already had parents so they didn't want to. There was no replacing them. 

So they got moved. 

Mirai figured they should consider themselves lucky. They never ended up in an orphanage like Hibiki did. Orphanages, institutions, call them what you will, they're death traps for kids in foster care. Once you're in them you barely ever get out and you always come out worse for wear. Mirai still didn't know much about Hibiki's years in an orphanage, just that they and one foster placement right after were the reason he had muzzle scars on his face and why he wore makeup. 

Still, they got the same scars Hibiki had one way or another. It was the foster placement right before coming to live with the crazy old woman. A married couple with what society would perceive as weak quirks. They were terrified of the way Mirai would teleport around the house, popping up behind couches and outside doorways. It was the way Mirai had always gotten around when they were home, but the couple didn't like it. 

They used to keep the muzzle by the door next to the coats and it was always Mirai's responsibility to put it on themselves. That's probably why it scared. They had no idea how tight it was supposed to be and often broke skin. 

So they supposed that was why they didn't talk to Hibiki when he arrived at the foster placement two years ago. Foolishly enough they still considered him their friend, even if they hadn't spoken a word to each other (or they hadn't spoken a word to Hibiki. Hibiki talked a lot). Once Hibiki transferred to the same school as Mirai he would stick up for them (because not talking at all makes you an easy target). He tried to make conversation, cooked for them and all the other kids. 

Mirai couldn't have ever imagine their relationship now back then. Especially now that they were foster siblings again. 

"You seem pretty quiet today kiddo, wanna tell me what's on your mind?" Hizashi asked, pulling out of the parking space. Mirai tore their gaze away from the window, realizing that all the other cars full of kids and their social workers had already left the parking lot behind Miu's apartment. 

"I was just thinking about my bio parents." Mirai said quietly. Hizashi was probably too easy to open up to, it was scary sometimes. The man just smiled but kept his eyes on the road. 

"That's a good thing. Reflection always helps you get a clearer picture and make up your mind about stuff." Hizashi said, nodding to himself. Mirai couldn't hold back a smile at the slightly goofy behavior. 

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