14: Its All In The Cards

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"What's up kiddo?" Hizashi asked, looking up over his laptop. He supposed neither he nor Hibiki could get to sleep. 

"Nothing. What're you doing?" Hibiki asked, rubbing his eyes lazily. It was two days post 'incident' and it was becoming more and more evident that Hibiki had trouble getting to sleep. They were worried but he had just said it was nice to have someone to talk to while he was awake at night. 

So here they were at about 1 am. Hizashi was a workaholic anyways so he would have been up this late regardless. "I, little listener, am working on a song." He said with a smile. Hibiki's interest was immediately piqued. 

"You write music?" He asked, moving to sit down on the couch next to Hizashi. The pro hero readjusted the computer so Hibiki could see it clearly and took out the headphones he had been wearing. 

"Yep. I have since I was in high school. It gets played on my radio show all the time. Sometimes I give songs to artists or for movie soundtracks, but I've focused a lot more of the broadcast recently." He explained. Hibiki's eyes went wide and seemed to sparkle looking at the music program. "Do you like music?". 

The teen didn't even hesitate to nod. "What genre is it?" He asked excitedly. Hizashi smiled warmly. 

"I really like rock music, maybe even some more lyrical rock and roll. This song's rock though. Its going to be played on our 'small creator's day' on the radio show this Friday." The pro hero explained, "Wanna take a listen?". 

Hibiki nodded excitedly and Hizashi played the song at a low volume so no one else would wake up. 

"Its really good! How're you this good?" Hibiki asked as the music drew to a close. Hizashi laughed a little. "Practice, little one. I've had many, many years to get this good and I've got many more to get better.". 

There was a beat of silence before Hizashi asked a question. "You seem to love music, have you ever thought of writing your own?". Hibiki just shrugged, suddenly looking a little embarrassed. 

"I wanted to." Hibiki said, "But I didn't have a phone until my last year of middle school and I had no access to technology. People didn't like it when I touched their stuff while I was being fostered and the orphanage didn't have any computers. There were no instruments except toy drums, so there wasn't any way to make music.". 

Hizashi ruffled the boy's hair in an attempt to make him feel better but he knew nothing could erase a lifetime's worth of missed opportunities. 

"I wanted to be a musician, a singer especially, so badly. But I learned pretty quickly that its impossible for someone like me." Hibiki said, looking near tears. "I think that's why I want to try to enter U.A. Being a hero is something I can do and its the first thing I've wanted to do since then.". 

"Oh baby." Hizashi said, putting the computer down to hug the boy. "Nothing's impossible. You can still do music if you want. I'll bet your voice is lovely.". Hibiki laughed wetly. 

"You wouldn't think that if you'd ever heard it. It tends to make people pull their hair and pass out. That's not exactly the type of voice people want to hear." The boy joked. 

"Who knows, maybe you'll be able to tone your quirk down. Gaining control isn't as hard as you think it is." Hizashi said honestly. It had taken him a while as a kid to only use his quirk when he wanted to, but it wasn't as impossible as people and doctors told him it was. 

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"Your challenge to enter the U.A hero program has been announced." Shota said as the family sat down to dinner. Mirai and Hibiki looked up at him with wide excited eyes. 

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