4: We'll Meet Again Pt. 1

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Okay, so maybe Aizawa had been to harsh. What could he say, it was a person with a dangerous quirk and a taste for violence on the loose! He didn't have much sympathy. 

But the face he saw that night, lying on the ground because Aizawa hadn't cared if he got hurt, was not that of some wanna be hero or some deranged villain. 

It was a goddamn child. 

The pro hero groaned into his paperwork. Guilt was eating him apart inside. 

"Still thinking about that kid?" Hizashi, Aizawa's longsuffering husband asked, patting the pro hero on his shoulder. "How was it you described him? Tiny and cute or was it adorable and miniscule?". 

"Don't make this worse for me." Aizawa sighed. "You don't get it Zashi. I spent 3 months trying to arrest him! I could have hurt him! I don't even think he knows what he's doing.". 

"He's probably just a little trouble maker. All you have to do is track him down and give him one of your 'dad talks'. I'm sure if his parents know what he's up to they'll take steps to make sure he stays safe." Hizashi reasoned. Aizawa sighed and nodded. 

All he had to do now was find the damn kid. It had been hard enough the first time, but at least now he had a face to put to the name 'Echo' too. 

-------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- 

"Pass me the bread, Mirai." Hibiki said in a hushed voice. They had pooled their money to buy something special for the kids in the house's breakfast today. When he wasn't given a response Hibiki spun around, looking blindly for his foster sibling. 

He ended up smashing right into a cabinet, barely catching himself on the countertop before he hit his head on it. 

"Uh, Hibiki?" Mirai asked. Hibiki looked up and saw the teen holding the bread out with a concerned expression. "I was trying to give it to you? Why couldn't you see it?". 

Immediately Hibiki's eyes were drawn to the small lamp they were cooking to the light of. Turning any more lights on would alert someone else in the house that they were in the kitchen, somewhere they definitely weren't allowed to be. Not that the old lady ever complained that Hibiki cooked. The teen sighed. 

"I'm kinda night blind?" He answered. 

"That sounded more like a question than an actual answer." Mirai observed. Hibiki nodded and smiled sheepishly. 

"Sometimes my pupils don't dilate properly, or one of them doesn't. I can't see properly in the dark if they don't so I'm kinda night blind? Like unpredictably so." He explained. Mirai nodded and their expression relaxed. 

"To think that Echo, the 'vigilante of the night', is night blind half the time, the media would have a field day." They joked. Hibiki's brow furrowed. 

"What?" "Well come on, you're a vigilante who does all their work at night but you can't even see without light half the time." "I'm not a vigilante?" "You are?". 

The two stared at each other in confusion for a moment before Mirai spoke again. "You seriously don't know? You're Echo, there's no other vigilante this prevent in this neighborhood. I get that they never publicly described your person or quirk but still. To think you didn't know this whole time." Mirai snorted. "Sorry, but this is comedy gold. Your name is Hibiki, how could you not be Echo?".

"I thought it was just someone's edgy name, I never thought they were just using a different spelling of my name!" The boy groaned. "Oh god I've been breaking the law for months now! If they catch me I'll end up in a new foster home or juvie!". 

"Calm down." Mirai said, rolling their eyes. "No one's going to catch you. You're basically unrecognizable. Everyone's gonna think your eyes are contacts and your hair is dyed.". Hibiki didn't know if that was a compliment or an insult so he went back to battering the toast. 

Eventually they finished the french toast, ate their shares and set it out as aesthetically as possible for the kids. They had even bought a tiny thing of real maple syrup because the fake stuff was a crime against humanity. 

"Well its a weekend." Hibiki said, looking to Mirai. "We could do anything.". They nodded and pulled out their phone. It, much like Hibiki's, was a cheap older model, but they didn't have a single crack. Hibiki's might as well be a spider web. 

"Do you think its too cold to go swimming?" Hibiki thought aloud. Mirai gave him a look of disbelief. "Its April." They said, like that answered the question. 

"We're going swimming then!" Hibiki said, tugging Mirai towards their bedroom so they could get some clothes. 

"We don't own swim suits!" Mirai protested, quietly of course. Hibiki sighed. 

"You act like gym shorts don't work the exact same. I own two pairs, one is my uniform though. I give you the bigger one's cause you're taller than I am." Hibiki rambled as he easily pulled them  out of the closet. 

It was so easy to find clothes when you barely had any in the first place. Mirai begrudgingly accepted the shorts and picked their lightest t-shirt to wear. Guess they were going swimming in the ocean in April. 

------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -------- ------- -------- 

 "It can't be that easy." Hizashi scoffed, looking at the computer screen. 

It was that easy. They had found Echo. Or should they say Na Hibiki. After informing Tsukauchi of the changed situation, he was transferred a large amount of files of teens in the areas to help them search. Regardless of Echo's age he still needed a classic 'stern talking to' before they could let this all slide. 

His school record was what they saw first. They had never seen someone with so many transfers on their record. He had only been to one high school so far. Sakka High School was a public school and the local school for that area, so that was fairly normal. The strange part were his records before that. He had been to half the schools in the city as well as a few outside of it. The kid averaged 2 schools a year. 

"Why was he moved around so much?" Hizashi wondered aloud. Aizawa kept his eyes glued on the screen. "Our current running theory is that it has something to do with money. None of the neighborhoods he's lived in have been particularly great, some of them are even dangerous and heavily patrolled by heroes. No wonder he ended up doing vigilante work, the place he lives is crawling with yakuza and gangs." The underground hero explained. 

They sat in silence for a moment. 

"I'm worried." The pro hero revealed. "His quirk...fuck Zashi I've never felt anything like that. If it had been anyone else besides me I would have been terrified." He paused for a moment before he sighed and continued, "He could end up in a lot of trouble.". 

The blonde man just nodded and hummed. "We'll find him.". 


Finally Hibiki knows that he's Echo  😅

Aizawa's also smartened up. Remember he does have a job to do and being an underground hero isn't the cleanest of gigs. That being said he has a massive soft spot for kids 

Who else likes swimming in spring? I love freezing cold water so much its like an actual problem. One of these days I'm going to get hypothermia or something <(_ _)>

Stay Tuned! 

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