25: Summer Camp Is Different Than I Thought It'd Be

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"So, are you excited for the trip?" Mina asked. Hibiki shrugged.

"I think I've had my fill of vacations." He said ominously, "But I am excited to get to know everyone better.". 

Joining the class late had made it much harder for Hibiki to make friends. He could always rely on Mirai and Hitoshi but they needed to make friends too. 

"You can get to know me better any day." Kaminari said flirtatiously. The rest of the group laughed, Hibiki included. 

Bakugou's group was the one he was most familiar with at this point. After being on their team in the sports festival they had exchanged numbers and he'd been added a their group chat. He hoped the could really become friends while at the training camp though.

"I can't wait to work on my special moves!" Sero said with a smile, "I have some in mind already, they're gonna be so cool!". 

"I haven't thought about that." Hibiki thought aloud. The closest thing to a special move he had was that supersonic screech he had done while fighting Kiyoshi. Maybe he could replicate it? He really hadn't tried since then. It hurt his throat a lot and his voice was froggy the next day, which was inconvenient to say the least. 

Hibiki wasn't even the only person thinking about his quirk. Shota also had questions. Mostly about the comment the boy had made when they were on vacation. 

He never mentioned being selectively mute like Mirai was. He also never mentioned having any sort of throat sickness as a child. That left only the logical conclusion for what stopped Hibiki from talking. 

The muzzle. 

Mirai had opened up to them about their experience with the contraption and how it was used. Hibiki was less open about that sort of stuff. 

That was a pattern with the two. Hibiki seemed like the talkative, goofy one but when it came down to really opening up to and being vulnerable in front of anyone. The most open Hibiki had ever been was after his encounters with Kiyoshi when he was literally shaking in fear. Shota needed to get him to open up before that sort of villain attack happened again. 

Besides, he was decently sure that the muzzle had everything to do with another part of Hibiki's life he wouldn't talk about. His time in an orphanage. 

Honestly most kids who end up in childcare institutions don't ever leave them unless their adopted. It was very strange and lucky that Hibiki ended up back in the foster system. 

When they got back from this trip they were having a sit down conversation about this. He had let Hibiki just casually mention and then ignore parts of his life one too many times. 

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The bus pulled up at a random parking lot on the side of the road. There were a few confused murmurs before Shota told them all to get off the bus. Even weirder was the fact they were told to keep their luggage on the bus. 

"Welcome kids!" An excited voice called out. 

Standing in front of the cliff was the Wild Wild Pussycats. "We're glad to be running the training camp this year. You city slickers could use some time outside those training gyms!" Pixie Bob said. 

"We hope you can all gain a lot of experience in our area of specialty, rural and forest rescue." Mandalay explained. "You're all used to city based exercises but you should balance out your skill set a bit more.". 

"To start that off...." Pixie Bob said with a smirk, "Enjoy the walk to base camp!". 

The cliff beneath them started to shake until it gave way. It must be the woman's quirk. 

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