24: A Nice, Normal Family

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"We are never going on vacation ever again." Shota said resolutely. 

"Hey, never say never. Going out for a long weekend as a family was good for us." Hizashi said. Shota gave his husband a scathing look. "What? They all passed the exam and they deserved a reward." The blond defended. 

"That's all well and good Zashi but we have no idea where our children are right now so their reward for beating the shit out of their teachers isn't really the priority." Shota said. Hizashi's smile turned sheepish. 

To explain what's happening here, we have to start at the beginning. 

All three kids had passed their exams, so Hizashi had proposed they do something fun. There was a 5 day break before they were set to go to the training camp, so they decided to take their first official vacation as a family! 

It was great. They bought Hibiki and Mirai their own suitcases, bathing suits and sandals, they stocked up on sunscreen and booked bullet train tickets to the Okinawa area for a fun summer vacation. 

Shota wasn't that excited about all the sunlight on his poor, pale skin or leaving the cats at home, but he was willing to do it for 4 days and for the sake of getting closer to his kids. 

The train ride had gone well and they had checked into their tiny little guest house right on time. 

Their first mistake was leaving the kids at home while they went out to buy food and explore the tiny town they were in's downtown area. They had said they wanted to check out the beach, which the house backed on to. Of course being responsible parents they warned them to be careful, wear sunscreen and not to go swimming too close to rocks. 

But they were all 15 and Hitoshi was responsible enough to keep the other two in check or at least rat them out later on. 

The fact that this is all being recounted should be enough to tell you that it didn't exactly go as planned. 

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"Dare you to touch it." "No way." "Well I'm not going to." "No one needs to touch it." "Come on, look at it. Someone has to touch it.". 

The three teenagers stood crowded around a dead jellyfish, staring at it intently. "Its so pink." Hibiki remarked.

"I think that means something bad." "I think its a jellyfish and therefore its bad no matter what." Hitoshi remarked.

"Don't judge the jellyfish. You didn't even know him. How can you say he's inherently bad?" Mirai shot back. Hitoshi gave them an incredulous look. 

"How can use say that the jellyfish is a him, huh?" Hibiki said, joining Hitoshi's side for once. 

"Cause I said so. That's how it worked for me." Mirai said, "Duh.". 

The trio burst out laughing and abandoned the dead jellyfish in favor of the water. You know, where the live jellyfish were. 

"Last one in has to-" "Has to what?" Hitoshi interrupted. "Has to do the dishes...." Hibiki responded. Just like that he was under Hitoshi's control. 

The two free teens giggled and Hitoshi ran for the water as Mirai teleported themself there already. Hibiki cursed under his breath and waited for Hitoshi to release him. 

"Not fair!" The white haired teen said, swimming over to his siblings. 

"Totally fair." Mirai responded. Hibiki splashed them and suddenly there was an all out war. 

The trio continued to splash each other until Hitoshi heard something strange. He looked over and much closer to shore, he saw a pool noodle. 

"Over there." He said. Mirai and Hitoshi's heads snapped around to see what he was talking about. The pool noodle wasn't abandoned, it had someone on it. Someone small. 

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