28: Longing

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When Hibiki came too it was dark. 

He was surprised to be alive. Legitimately he was. Bullet wounds aren't usually fatal, he could thank modern medicine for that. But untreated, open bullet wounds were fatal. Like 99% of the time. 

From what he could see his arm had been treated though. There was a messy bundle of gauze wrapped around it and some sort of cream. Someone had stitched him up. 

"Fuck finally you're awake." A voice huffed. Hibiki's head snapped around to see Bakugou. He was restrained in what looked like his cuffs from the sport's festival, minus the gag. "You're not allowed to die on me.". 

"Where are we?" Hibiki asked slowly. Bakugou groaned like he didn't want to think about it. 

"The League of Villains kidnapped us." He said, "These fuckers think we're going to join them.". 

"What?! Why?" Hibiki asked, confused. Why them of all students? Bakugou was aggressive sure, but his goal was to do good, to make the world a better place. 

"Fuck if I know." The blond responded helpfully. Hibiki sighed and looked around the room. Bakugou was upright in his weird restraints whereas Hibiki was on a mattress on the floor with one chain of his left ankle and his hands cuffed in front of him. They hadn't gagged him or covered his mouth which was strange. 

The mattress was damp with Hibiki's blood and he was already starting to feel dizzy. He slowly started swaying in his sitting position, leaning more and more towards collapsing on the mattress and just going back to sleep. 

"Don't you fucking dare!" Bakugou hissed, "Dying of blood loss is a lame ass way to go.". Hibiki felt like he should be scoffing or telling Bakugou how shitty he felt, but he didn't, just sat there trying to gather his bearings. 

He was so cold. His whole body was shivering, jittering in place. It only worsened the dizziness. God he just wanted to go back to sleep but he knew there was something to what Bakugou was shouting at him.  

Suddenly, the door to the dark room burst open, flooding it with light. 

"Well well, look who's up." A voice said, their smile audible in their tone. "You know, when Stain and I worked with him, Terror was always talking about you. I thought you'd be more impressive in person, Echo.". 

Hibiki stared at their captor with wide, nervous eyes. "Wow, you really look alike." The man, who was covered in burns and painful looking staples attaching said burns to his healthy skin. His eyes were bright teal and had the air of a madman. Suffice to say he was scary looking. 

"Dabi." Bakugou growled, "Let us fucking go! I'm not joining your boy band!". The villain smirked wider and approached the teen. 

"I think you'll like this then, chatter mouth." He said before attaching the muzzle from the sports festival to the boy's face. 

It wasn't the muzzle itself but the action of Bakugou struggling against it that caused Hibiki to fall back on the mattress limp. 

He recognized the feeling. Hound Dog had called it the 'freeze' response. Typically Hibiki was a 'fight' person but it seemed like everything to do with his childhood just turned him into an unresponsive puddle of shaky goo. 

Hibiki's facial scars ached horrible and he could feel the leather clasp around the back of his head, matting his snow white hair with dried blood. 

In that moment he wasn't a hero student, but a terrified child alone in an orphanage with people who are so, so afraid of him. 

"Looks like you lost more blood than we thought." Dabi said, striding over to the mattress. He stood above Hibiki, looking down on his with a smirk. "I'll give you a choice, now that you're awake.". 

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