32: Look To The Future Pt. 2

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"How did it end up like this?" Hibiki questioned, his tone huffy. 

He clicked the ball into the sensor of his 'victim' and sighed heavily. Mirai shrugged and Hitoshi crossed his arms over his chest. 

"Don't ask me, dumbass. I ran in this direction first." He stated simply. Hitoshi glared at the corner like it had just slapped him or something, refusing to look over at his siblings. 

1-A had been split up after Jiro broke the ground apart. Unknowingly the siblings had all gone in the same direction. Mirai and Hitoshi had met up first before discovering Hibiki sneaking around the pipes, trying to find someone to ambush. 

Mirai sighed. "This is getting ridiculous, you two." They said simply. "If we're going to succeed we need to work as a team. We all need one more person to pass and we're running out of time.". 

"Yeah, we do. And wouldn't you know it there's two people right here." Hitoshi said smugly. Hibiki rolled his eyes. 

"Yeah well I could get you too. I'm one do ri me away from sending you two to a psych ward and collecting my license." He said. 

"Then why aren't you doing that, huh? Why don't you just use your quirk and take advantage of us?!" Hitoshi challenged, audibly furious. Hibiki opened his mouth to answer but closed in shortly after, mismatched eyes glaring at his brother. 

There was a beat of silence before Mirai realized why Hibiki was giving Hitoshi the silent treatment. 

He thought that Hitoshi would actually use his quirk to eliminate him. 

Mirai could tell that the purple haired teen was hurt. He looked somewhere between furious and distraught. 

"Oh, I see how it is." Hitoshi spat. "You don't trust me. That's fine." He drawled, "You think you can just come into my life, take my dads and then fuck me over? Fine!". With that, he started stomping away and Hibiki realized his mistake. 

"Toshi that wasn't what I-" 

"No, I get it." The teen said, his teeth gritted together, "Mirai, you can stay with him. You don't have to pretend you like me too just 'cause we live together.". 

"Hey wait-" Mirai said, teleporting in front of Hitoshi, "We should talk this over and you have to stop before you say something you'll regret.". 

"God Mirai you're such a people pleaser." Hitoshi said, rolling his eyes and pushing his sibling aside. 

"Hey, don't talk to them like that." Hibiki said, walking over to the pair. Hitoshi glared at him. 

"Oh, but you can talk to me like you did?" He shot back, "I thought we were equal to you, Hibiki but its pretty obvious you like Mirai more. Its fine, just leave me out of this.". 

"That is not at all what I meant and you know it!" Hibiki said, "Of course I love you both equally. That doesn't mean you're not being fucking asshole.". 

Hitoshi glared at Hibiki. "Oh, I'm being an asshole now?" He said, raising an eyebrow. "Have you been hearing yourself these past few days? 'Cause I think you should pay more attention to what you're-" 

"Well, well, well, if it isn't U.A." A voice said.

The trio turned around to see a group of students, target balls in hand. There were four of them, one girl in a flowy, fairy like outfit, another girl who looked like she was made of terracotta and two boys who looked like twins. 

The fairy girl smiled. "I didn't think they'd let the latecomer participate, you guys must be flattered.". 

"Hey, I don't wanna be rude but we're kinda in the middle of something." Hibiki said, looking between them and Hitoshi. 

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