3: Oh, Its You

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"Na! Wake up, this isn't nap time." Mr. Shibata scolded. Hibiki jerked awake, startled by the sudden should.

"Sorry." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. He hadn't gotten to sleep last night, too scared of going home to return. He was in his uniform from yesterday and his hair was a disaster. A few of his classmates laughed as he wiped the drool away from his mouth and he nearly laughed with them, but he didn't want to choke. 

"Now, I want you all to write a reaction piece to the events at the USJ training facility. U.A and their first year hero students are the center of attention right now, and I want to hear your opinions." Mr. Shibata explained. The class groaned a little, not wanting to do any more work on top of their essay due tomorrow. 

School was a pain, but it wasn't the worst thing. Hibiki didn't have many friends, but he was well liked among his classmates. The friends he did have were on the delinquent side so they would stay out super late with him. They weren't great people to be honest, but they filled the lonely hours of the night. 

Hibiki brought his busted phone out of his backpack to find an article on the USJ attack to use as research. While scrolling through he stumbled upon a hero column article that wasn't talking about U.A in some way or another. 'New Vigilante 'Echo' Creates a Stir in Masutafu'. He was a little surprised. Vigilantes were still a thing? Didn't heroes have it all handled? 

Then he thought back to all of the 'incidents' he had helped with in the past month and a half where there were no heroes around. Maybe this Echo dude was just trying to pick up the slack. If this person wanted to patrol the night, Hibiki couldn't complain. He was getting concerned with how many dangerous situations he ran into these days. 

--------- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- 

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 

Where the hell was that vigilante now? And where were the heroes? 

Hibiki panted frantically as he ran down the empty street, a giant sludge monster chasing quickly behind him. He had just helped a guy who was being pickpocketed. That was all he had done. Then suddenly the guy who was stealing had turned into a massive pile of slush and started chasing him down the street. Great. 

Now, it wasn't like Hibiki was slow. He was fast and a strong runner, but his opponent was literally liquid. How could he compete with that. 

Thinking quickly, Hibiki ducked into an alley, hoping the creature wouldn't follow. He was wrong. Of course he was. Clambering over garbage bins Hibiki made his way further into the alley. 'I need a door. Come on door, lets go. Where's a door when you need one?!' The teen thought as his mind raced. 

He got so distracted looking for an escape that he didn't even notice when he slammed right into someone. The person let out a grunt and they both fell over. 

"What the hell?" The person, a man apparently, groaned. "What the fuck are you doing?" He demanded. Hibiki sucked in a nervous breath. There was a woman restrained in what looked like a long scarf. She had a knife attached to her hip that she was reaching for, but that the ropes prevented her from getting. Fuck. Just what he needed, more trouble. 

"Uh." Hibiki said, intelligently. He looked the man up and down. Black shirt and pants, weird scarf, big yellow goggles. Oh. Eraserhead. He had heard about the underground hero. Honestly the man was more of an urban legend than a real hero. Some people thought he was just a rumor that kids used to brag about meeting a hero. 

Before the 15 year old could continue what he was obviously going to say the sludge pile that was chasing him entered the conversation by slamming straight into the hero. 

"What the fuck is going on?!" Eraserhead shouted, somehow pushing back on the sludge to keep from falling over while his scarf was wrapped around the woman. 

"Um-I-I can fix this!" Hibiki shouted. He wanted to leave it up to the hero, he really did, but he couldn't leave without the sludge thing following. "Cover your ears." He told he hero, trying to keep it quiet so the villains couldn't figure out what was about to happen. 

"You want me to do what?" Eraserhead asked, setting a tiny explosive off. The sludge monster retreated to the corner, big yellow eyes trained on Hibiki. 

"Cover your ears." Hibiki said, his voice stressed in hopes the hero would get the message. 

"No. Leave this to me." The pro said, pushing Hibiki aside. He stumbled a little, realizing just how strong Eraserhead was. 

"I can fix this in like 3 minutes." Hibiki assured him. The teen moved behind the hero and, in a genius move to end all genius moves, covered his ears. The pro thrashed a little but Hibiki held firm. "You guys shouldn't be so violent~" His tone was less melodic and more shouty, but it worked, "You're making it hard for people like me!". 

Eraserhead knew who this brat was right away when he heard the muffled song. A strange feeling bubbled under his skin. It felt like it was stretched too tight. Thoughts raced through his mind without his permission and his ears started ringing. Within just a minute both the restrained villain and the sludge monster had collapsed. The pro hero felt his face go a little pale. 

So this was Echo's quirk. 

The pro hero shoved the brat off him. He landed with a painful thud but the hero didn't care. This was his opportunity to finally stop playing this game with the vigilante and get him in custody. 

Hibiki groaned as he hit the ground and looked up in fear. Oh. Right. Quirk use in public was illegal. Especially for him. Like it was so illegal. Maybe he had just gotten used to using it in these sticky situations. 

"To me." A voice shouted. 

Suddenly, Hibiki wasn't on the ground. Or he was, but it wasn't the alleyway, he was on the rooftop of the building above the alley. 

"Run." The same voice called out. A hand grabbed Hibiki's and pulled him to his feet. He stumbled a bit at first but eventually he got his legs under him and started running. They ran across the first rooftop and the one next to it before jumping to another. 

"Thanks for saving my ass back there." Hibiki said, breathless. He turned to face his savior and nearly fell over again. "Mirai?!". 

The blonde haired teenager smiled. In the two years he had been there Mirai had never smiled at him. Or spoken. I guess they had a voice after all. 

"So this is what you do when you're not home." Mirai said, their tone playful. Hibiki laughed a little and nodded. "I noticed you were coming home with bruises and cuts and got worried. I don't want you to be rehomed for fighting.". 

"I didn't even know you knew my name." Hibiki joked. Mirai smiled a little sheepishly. "So you have a voice quirk too?". Mirai nodded. 

"I've been with the old lady for a long time now, so I know to sit still and shut up. I don't know why she keeps us around if she hates us so much, but we are a checks in her bank account." Mirai said. They stopped running and climbed down a fire escape looking ladder to the ground. 

"I got some cash a little while ago, you wanna get something to eat?" Mirai asked. Hibiki's stomach growled before he could even speak and he nodded. 


I know it wasn't the most clear, but Mirai's quirk is a voice activated teleportation quirk. Basically they have to state aloud what they want to teleport and where they want it to go. Eraserhead an Hibiki only caught the second part of that in this scene but it'll happen more often later on. 

Also Hibiki's last name revealed! But Na isn't a japanese last name...I wonder what that's about 👀

But yay! Finally Hibiki has a friend. His first interaction with Eraserhead didn't go too well, and its not gonna get better cause that was funny as hell😂 

Stay Tuned! 

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