39: Don't Mess With Us

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The house was ornate, incredibly so. Hibiki had thought his dad's house had been fancy, a sign of wealth. This was one a whole other level. 

The vases, the artwork, it was all so intricate and expensive looking. He supposed they had quite a lot of money at their disposal being yakuza and all. But it was weird nonetheless. 

Another aspect of weirdness was walking around the place in his full hero outfit. He felt like he was intruding on someone's house, someone's place of living. 

Just like Sir Nighteye had warned them there was no one on the upper levels. They were trying to lure them into the basement. 

"Something isn't right.". Hitoshi verbalized the feelings of the whole group. They all had coms in their ears and were listening to the organized police force call out orders outside. 

Then suddenly the coms went dead silent. 

"Come in." Night Eye said, his tone even with an underlying unease. "Come in." He repeated, more forceful this time. 


The hideout was bathed in silence, the sound of a boot on tatami mats a roar of noise. Hibiki heard something strange. Hollow. Cement-like. 

"Guys-" Midoriya's words were cut off when the floor opened up, dropping every hero in the building below ground and into the basement. 

It had happened so quickly Hibiki's eyes struggled to adjust to the new darkness. Fuck he should have brought his eye drops. 

"Anyone there?" A voice called out. Hitoshi. He must have been close enough with him to get dumped into the same place as his brother. 

"Hibiki." He announced. Saying 'me' wouldn't do any good so they had been trained to say their hero names. Hibiki and Echo were the same word in Japanese, so the teen had an easy time with it. Both waited for another voice, for anyone else to speak. No one did. "Just you and me, huh?" Hibiki breathed out, feeling some of the tension bleed out of him. 

"I guess so." Hitoshi said. There was a cracking noise and then the room was filled with purple light. 

"You and those damn glow sticks." Hibiki said with a laugh. 

"Are they or are they not saving our asses right now?" Hitoshi asked rhetorically. Hibiki put his hands up in surrender. He tried to look around the room, but his night vision was already shit enough above ground. In a place with no natural light he was basically blind. He could see the blob shapes light move around the room as Hitoshi walked towards him, but he couldn't see him all that well. 

"I'd say I should have brought my eye drops but I just put them in an hour ago so I'd be in the same situation." Hibiki said, "Now where the hell are you? I can't see shit down here my pupils aren't doing the right thing. Or at least the...left one isn't.". He tested his vision with each eye as he spoke. 

A familiar gloved hand hit his shoulder. "Right here." Hitoshi said, holding the glow stick up so he could see the room. Hibiki moved to feeling around the floor. He grabbed something hard, probably made out of plastic, and held it up to his face to see what it was. 

"Now I know its pink." He laughed, "But other than that I have no idea what this thing is.". Hibiki held the object up to his brother to inspect. 

He immediately felt the tension in the air when Hitoshi identified the object. He started moving around the room. 

The purple haired teen's eyes settled on a small bed in the center of the room, its blankets marred with blood. On the bed were several stuffed animals and toys. All horrible princess themed ones too. 

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