13: Revelations And Questions

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"Please don't kill me.". 

The words were breathless, hoarse and spoken out of pure fear. The madman laughed, not evilly, but like someone had told a really funny joke. "And why shouldn't I?" He asked, emphasizing the words by pushing the barrel of the gun against Hibiki's head so forcefully it shifted the gravel underneath them. The villain continued to laugh. 

Suddenly sirens sounded off in the distance. Hibiki would have breathed a sigh of relief if the man above him didn't give him the meanest glare possible. 

"I didn't call the cops!" Hibiki rushed the words out so quickly he was sure half of them didn't make sense. 

"And why should I believe you, Echo?" The boy's breath caught in his throat. It felt like the man was suffocating him. "It feels even scarier now that you're caught, huh? Everyone thinks I'm you, baby hero. Imagine what they'll think when they find all this and you." The villain said, "Do you think they'll just let you run free? Do you think you can keep escaping everything with other people's help?". 

"You think you're so tough~" The man sneered, "But there's no goofing off in prison.". The sirens were closing in and slowly the couple were coming to their senses. Hibiki just kept his eyes on the villain's not looking away for a second. He barely blinked. 

Suddenly, something flashed in the man's eyes and he dropped the gun and reached for Hibiki's throat. He was wearing leather gloves that were cold against Hibiki's skin despite the night air already making it chilly. 

The boy gagged and chocked on spit and what felt like bile as he felt his throat constrict. "I'm surprised you're still alive after all that's happened." The villain said, abruptly letting go after only 2 minutes or so. 

He stood over Hibiki as he grabbed the backpack. He seemed to smile down at the boy, although Hibiki couldn't tell from how blurry his vision was. He was gasping and panting for breath between sobs. 

"We're playing the same game, Rin. Don't be so dumb in the future." The man said coolly before running off in the opposite direction of the siren. 

Hibiki remained there, gasping for breath as tears rolled down his cheeks. The gun lay ominously at his side and the couple continued to gather their bearings one of them even asked if he was okay, but he wasn't really about to respond. 

Then the sounds of shouts filtered through the park and the area was flooded with people. Out in front of the group was Aizawa with Kenji both looked terrified as they ran onto the scene. 

'Imagine what they'll think when they find all this and you' Hibiki suddenly remembered. As Aizawa dropped to his knees next to the boy he looked up at his foster parent with glassy eyes. 

"I didn't do it." He gasped out, scared out of his mind, "I promise, I didn't-it wasn't me-". Before he could even finish Shota pulled him into a hug. 

It was tight and constricting and all of the things that the villain's chokehold had been yet it was worlds away. All Hibiki felt was safety and that only made him cry harder. "I promise-" He gasped out, "I didn't-I didn't do this please believe me.". His voice wavered on every word and his throat burned. 

"Are you okay?" Shota asked, propping the boy up against his left shoulder as he moved his right hand to Hibiki's cheek, checking him for injuries. 

"I did-I didn't-" Hibiki stuttered out. "I didn't ask, Hibiki." Shota said, his voice just as shaky and scared as Hibiki's was, "I asked if you were okay.". It seemed like the man was trying so hard to keep his voice stable. 

All Hibiki could do was sob and throw himself onto his foster parent like he was a life preserver. Aizawa held him tightly like if he loosened up even a little bit the boy would disappear. 

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