26: Separation Anxiety

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"Hey, can I ask you a question?". Hibiki turned and saw Mina pressed up against the door to his booth. It was designed so he could hear things spoken into the microphone at the door but no one could hear what he said outside of it. 

Cause, you know, he was training around other people. If they heard him the place would resemble a psych ward more than it would a school trip. So for now he was singing his heart out while on a treadmill in his own little Plexiglas box. 

Hibiki turned the treadmill he was running off and walked over to the door. He opened it with a smile. "Sure, what is it?". 

The girls smiled widely. "Do you like guys, girls both or neither?" Mina asked. 

Hibiki just stared at her, shocked. What a blunt question. 

"Actually I would also like Mirai's answers to that question.". She at least had the decency to blush while asking that one. 

"I um-" "Geez Mina, you can't just shout at people like that." Kirishima interrupted. He dragged the girl off the doorframe she was leaning on. "That is not how you make friends.". 

"What?" Mina protested, "Its a reasonable question to ask. I have someone who really needs to know.". 

"Who?" Hibiki asked, suddenly much more interested. Why would someone want to know? Unless they liked him...nope. Definitely impossible. 

"I can't tell you that." Mina said, pretend zipping her lips up, "Now answer the question.". 

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Kirishima said, shooting a quick glare at his friend. Hibiki just laughed a little. 

"To be honest I haven't really thought about it before." He said, "Mirai's pan by the way.". With that he said goodbye and ducked back inside the booth. 

"How has he not thought about it?" Mina groaned as she walked away with Kirishima. The red haired teen just shrugged. 

"Some people don't think its all that important." He said. Mina sighed. "Kaminari's not gonna be happy with such a vague answer. He still doesn't know if he should be making a move or not.". 

"He's been making moves this whole time?" Kirishima said, confused, "He's been giving Na goo-goo eyes this whole trip. He shared his snacks with him. He let him fall asleep with his head on his shoulder! How is that not flirting?". 

"That's like, his regular level of flirting. The not awkward one." Mina explained. Kirishima didn't really get it. 

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"This is the worst fucking group I could have been put in." Bakugou grumbled. 

Hibiki gave him a curious look while he swung around a little on a low hanging branch. "Why? You hate us that much blasty?" He asked. The blond glared at him. 

"What, you think its everyone dream to be stuck with the mad hatter and the icy hot bastard." The teen grumbled. Todoroki just kept his eyes fixed on the floor 

"Well at least one of us is having fun." Hibiki said, skipping ahead of the other two. He was looking around the woods, awaiting the next scare with excitement. 

Then he heard something strange. 

"There was a clicking sound..." He muttered, "Did you guys hear that click?". Hibiki turned back to look at the other two for answer. There is was again. That weird click sound. 

"We didn't hear shit." Bakugou grumbled. He kicked a rock off the path absentmindedly. Todoroki didn't even react. 

Once, twice more. Hibiki could hear it. An irregular clicking noise. 

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