33: We've Got a Lot To Sort Out

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Looking at the now destroyed landscape, Hibiki had one thought. 

'I failed' 

Not because he failed the test, or was going to fail the second half of said test. No no, this was because it was so clearly modeled off the Kamino incident. 

And he realized then and there that he had failed. 

His whole reason for becoming a hero, for competing in the sports festival and attending U.A had been so he would never be weak again. To never have to rely on someone like Shota to show up and save him, to never end up with someone else's hand clamped around his neck. 

But he realized that during the Kamino incident he had failed. He had let himself get kidnapped, let the league knock him around and let them do the same to Bakugou. He relied on the kindness of a villain for fucks sake. 

So he hadn't changed at all. At least since the sports festival. He had been in that same stagnant place. Strong enough to keep up but not strong enough to stop the bad things from happening. 

What if something really bad like the orphanage happened again? Or if something happened to his dad and pops? What would he do then? 

And if Hibiki failed, if he had lost, then who won? 

'Kiyoshi' His mind supplied instantly. That greasy, violent, warped human being was probably laughing his ass of the night he saw Hibiki's kidnapping all over the news. He probably thought it was hilarious, that Hibiki got what was coming to him. 

Karma. It was karma for being so lucky. 

But he wasn't really lucky. His mom killed his dad, his older brother went insane and tried to kill him, was raised in weird ass foster homes before being transferred to an orphanage where he had to wear a muzzle. 

And what did he get when his social worker discovered the abuse and got him out of there? An old lady with an overcrowded home that smelled like cat piss but had no cats. 

But his luck had changed for the better after that. He met Mirai, started having fun. Then he got unlucky and was found doing stuff he didn't even know he was doing by the police. But he was lucky because it was Shota who found him. He got a good home, a family. He was lucky enough to be given a chance to attend the best hero school in Japan. 

Then he was fucking shot. And kidnapped. And nearly bled out on a ratty old mattress in Kamino. 

What sort of a life is that? 

Hibiki ran his hands through his hair repeatedly. He was stressed. 

What the fuck had he done to deserve all of this? To have this much trauma? God maybe he really did need therapy. 

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"Leave it to me." Hibiki said as he slipped a pair of headphones over the woman's ears. Another examinee, one with super strength that could get the concrete wall off her leg (even though there was a channel to keep her leg safe) stood by and water. 

Hibiki hummed slowly and softly, picking a crooner song from the U.S in the 50s. She continued crying but after a minute or so it calmed down to almost nothing. She looked numb, probably felt it too. 

She had been hysterical, as her character had the right to be, since she was supposed to be trapped, so Hibiki had volunteered his services to act as a human sedative. 

It wasn't a newly discovered ability of his. Insanity had the ability to soothe as well, he just had to tweak his voice a little bit. 

The boy continued humming into the microphone in his mask and the wall was lifted and the woman was carried out from under it. 

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