12: Just You And Me

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"There's something we need to talk to you about." Hizashi said, folding his hands on the table in front of him. Normally if a foster parent gave him that look and sat him down for this sort of talk, Hibiki would have panicked but with these two it seemed safe. He felt safe. 

"A few weeks after I met you for the first time we started getting reports of random assaults in the area. The police thought it was you because the person has such a similar quirk to you-" "They what?!" Hibiki interrupted. "I know, it seems impossible." Shota continued, "But Detective Tsukauchi and I decided we needed to prove it, to rule out that it wasn't you. I put a lot of my reputation on the line to prove you weren't a villain or insane by the way.". 

Hibiki nodded along. "So I signed up to foster you so we could keep a closer eye on you, prove that it couldn't possibly be you. I got concrete evidence of this yesterday when there was another attack while you were at U.A with me." Shota explained. "This doesn't change much for us as a family, but we thought you deserved to know everything going on considering it was all about you.". 

Nope. Okay, Hibiki definitely should have been nervous. 

It sounded like it was no big deal and the biggest deal at the same time, but that wasn't even really the problem. The problem was the whole reason he was there in the first place. 

They hadn't wanted him. They just wanted to keep him out of trouble. 

The realization was heartbreaking yet familiar. He shouldn't have put that much of himself into this foster placement. Shouldn't have let himself get settled or trusting. 

'Cause it blew up in his face like it always did. 

"Hibiki?" Hizashi asked, snapping the boy out of his thoughts. "Are you alright, sweetheart?". 

"Yeah, I'm fine." The boy said, forcing a smile. "Thanks for telling me.". The blond man gave him a curious look but nodded nonetheless. 

Hibiki left the kitchen table feeling like he had all his good emotions sucked out of him with a straw. He pulled out his phone to send a text. 

'Want 2 hang out tonight?' 

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It was mentioned earlier, although very briefly, that Hibiki's friends before Mirai weren't the greatest people. He would hang out with anyone who was willing to stay out till 3, 4 am with him so he could avoid his foster home. 

The boy was glad to see his old pals hadn't lost their spirit for mischief. 

"Wanna head to the park? Kenji has drinks." Chiasa asked, dropping her old lollipop stick to the ground. Hibiki shrugged noncommittally but knew he was going to follow. 

"Why're you so silent? You come back after ditching us outside of school for a couple months and suddenly you're silent? And where'd you get those new clothes? Thought you were broke as hell." Emiyo asked, looking the boy up and down. 

Hibiki just laughed a bit. "They were a gift. And sorry for not hanging out as much. I-" He didn't want to get into that right now. These were not the people to get into that with. "I moved." He decided to say. The answered seemed to satisfy the group and they started moving towards the park. 

'No one should be in a park at this time of night unless they're looking to get mugged or beaten up or worse!'. Hibiki remembered when Hizashi has said that too him. Thinking of Hizashi made the teen feel all conflicted again. 

He was dumb for ever having hope and he needed that message beaten into him. Maybe he wanted all that bad shit to happen at the park. Hibiki knew from experience that he'd feel a bit less numb with a black eye, although he had never sought out violence before. 

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