2: Right Under Their Noses

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"Get off of me!"

Hibiki's whole body tensed when the words echoed through the alley. Surely he was done for the night. He'd already had to bust a guy out of a car that was not his cab but was pretending to be. He wasn't about to put himself in more danger.

He was pretty sure the fake cab driver was still chasing after him. Hibiki hadn't seen him for three blocks, but you could never be sure. 

Still, he couldn't bring himself to ignore the shout so he trudged further into the alley, ignoring the trash around him. It was raining too, so his shoes and socks were soaked. And they were his only non uniform shoes too.

There was laughter coming from the same place as the shout. As Hibiki finally reached the noise it became apparent what was happening. One guy, who looked piss drunk, was being cornered by three thugs.

"Hey, leave him alone. He's probably to drunk to even hit you." Hibiki called out, his tone exasperated. The three thugs spun around and each gave him big fanged grins. Great, they had mutant quirks and thought they were big bad villains. Lucky Hibiki.

"He owes us some cash. Stay out of this if you wanna keep your fingers and toes brat." One spat, adjusting his shirt collar before turning back to the guy. Fuck. Yakuza. Hibiki tensed, clenching his fists. The rain created a lot of white noise that made his quirk less effective and his mask would muffle the sound but at least the guy he was protecting was drunk off his ass. It wouldn't affect him if he was inebriated enough.

"I told you to leave him alone~" Hibiki sing-songed. Immediately his quirk took hold of the men, sans the drunk guy.

Hibiki's quirk wasn't the type to make you still or gape in shock. In fact it was the type to make you shut your mouth, and probably the type to give you tinnitus. The three thugs had started twitching a little, no doubt feeling uncomfortable in their own skin. 

"Seriously fuck off~" The 15 year old sang, walking right past the first thug and over to the drunk guy. "You've got to get a hold of yourself man, I won't always be around to help you.". The man nodded franticly, trying to walk under his own power and failing. Hibiki put his arm under the man's shoulder to support him. 

Hibiki lead the man out of the alley. The man thanked him profusely over and over again. "I'd be dead meat if it wasn't for you. Do you at least have a name I can call you by?" The man slurred, clearly still drunk, "Your quirk is some serious shit.". 

"Oh, uh, I'm Hibiki." The teen said, a little confused. 

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"Its only Wednesday and he's already struck again?" Eraserhead asked. Tsukauchi avoided answering. "What details do we have this time?".

"Well we can confirm his appearance. The witness who claims to have seen Echo says he introduced himself as such and had the same appearance as the last time he was described." The detective explained. Aizawa nodded, exhausted with this case. 

"There was one interesting thing the witness mentioned." Tsukauchi continued. Aizawa gestured for him to continue. "He mentioned something about his voice. I believe his exact words were 'fucking voice was so fucking cool'.". The hero tried not to chuckle at the language choice of their only witness. 

There was a moment of silence where Aizawa considered his next moves very carefully. A voice quirk. Why was it always a voice quirk? 

It was people like Echo who were hurting his son. Hitoshi had faced so much discrimination throughout his life and people like Echo are only making it worse. Hell, Hizashi was put into foster care by his biological parents because of his voice quirk. 

The pro hero gritted his teeth. "We can barely work in the rain. Tell your crew to pack up and head out. I'll check the area again but I doubt I'll find anything." Aizawa said. The detective nodded and the pair went their separate ways. 

Aizawa found himself inside a small convenience store before he could even think about it. No where else was open at near 2 in the morning and he needed coffee. There was only one other person in the store, a short ish teen with a ragged hoodie pulled up over his hair. His face was covered by a black surgical mask. The boy was trying his best to blend in with the dingy walls of the tiny store. 

"One coffee please." Aizawa said, not taking his eyes off the teen. What were they doing out this late. The college student behind the counter nodded, turning to hand the teen a bag of assorted items. 

"Careful with the eggs." The student said, their voice warm and their smile unnaturally bright for that time of night. Maybe the kid was a regular? Well then it isn't too suspicious for them to be out this late. 

The student turned around to grab Aizawa's coffee while the hero scanned his phone to pay. "I worry about that kid. Doesn't have it easy." The cashier said. All of Aizawa's suspicious dissipated at the words. The teen wasn't a suspect, he was a kid with a tough home life. Plus, any teenager who buys groceries instead of snacks has a good head on their shoulders. 

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Hibiki must have lost his head. 

Maybe it was because it was 3am in the morning, maybe it was because he was soaking wet and freezing cold, but he was sure he saw a phone light in the room. 

That didn't really make any sense. Hibiki was the only one in the apartment awake. 

Unless he wasn't. The 15 year old was nervous at the thought of Mirai being awake right now. No body really knew about him sneaking out every night. If someone did know, they could do any number of things to him. 

Honestly, Hibiki didn't have the foresight to search up if what he was doing was even a crime, he just assumed you weren't supposed to sneak out. 

So Mirai knew he was sneaking out? For the first time Hibiki figured that Mirai's inability to speak was a good thing. At least it would take them longer to report him. 

Groaning, the 15 year old changed in the pitch black room, trying his wet clothes up inside the plastic bag from the convenience store. He slipped on some underwear and a t-shirt, shook his head vigorously to try to shake the water out of his hair, and stumbled over to his bed. He managed to only bump into it twice this time. A new record. 


Ooh, so Mirai knows. We now start the first arc! 

Chapter 2 already guys! I was going to upload this tomorrow and start an 'every two days' uploading schedule but with Try-Hard and Because going at the same time as this, I'm not going to be able to be consistent. Sorry 😔. 

I will try my best though, so stay tuned! 

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