36: From My Perspective

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Eri had completely forgotten the events of the day before when she woke up. 

All the blankets had been kicked down to the end of the bed and the cold reminded her of the basement. Adrenaline coursed through her as she looked around the room, expecting Chisaki to be standing over her, needle in hand as he always was. 

But he wasn't there. No one was. 

The room wasn't the basement at all. It had pale purple walls with translucent yellow roman blinds. The bed she had been sleeping in wasn't a damp mattress with princess sheets drenched in blood, it was a normal sized bed with plain white sheets. They were soft too and completely clean. The room had tons of stuffed animals and pillows just lying around. It was just...soft. 

Then she remembered what had happened. She had been saved. A bunch of people had saved her, but she was staying with two of them. Hibiki and Hitoshi. They were brothers, apparently. They didn't really look alike, Hibiki was short and had white hair while Hitoshi was tall with purple hair. 

Still, she supposed Hibiki having a purple eye could mean they were related. 

She shifted around in the bed, trying to hop out. Eri remembered going to sleep almost immediately when she got to the brother's home. The bed was just so soft and warm and everyone was so nice. She had been introduced to two more people. Shota, who was grumpy all the time and Hizashi who was happy all the time. They were Hibiki and Hitoshi's parents. Except Hibiki didn't look anything like either of them and Hitoshi only looked like Shota. 

They had a very confusing family. 

Eri felt her chest ache. She didn't have a family at all. Chisaki has said he was her only family, all she had. But he hurt her. She couldn't stay...what if he had killed her? What if these people were mean too? She had a mean family, Hibiki and Hitoshi could have families that hurt them too. She didn't want to be hurt. Not again. 

Tears welled up in the girl's eyes at just the thought. She decided to go find one of her rescuers, it would make her feel safer. 

The floor was cold except in the places the morning sun had warmed it up a little. Her tiny bare feet padded along the ground as she walked to the door. As quietly as possible she turned the handle and crept into the hallway. 

Before she had fallen asleep Hibiki had given her a tour, telling her where the bathroom and his room were. The apartment wasn't like the basement Eri had been stuck in for...she didn't really know how long. It was high up, there were windows everywhere and there's weren't many rooms. Three bedrooms, a half room office thingy, a living/dining room, kitchen and bathroom. 

It reminded Eri more of the doll house Chisaki had bought for her than anything else. A perfect place for a family. Once again, she felt her chest ache. 

With a bit of determination, she opened the door to what she had been told was Hibiki's room. This time the room was painted yellow. Its layout was almost identical to the last one, but it lacked the stuffed animals and pillows. Instead the room was covered in half read books and pages with symbols on them Eri didn't recognize. There was a bright teal electric guitar in the corner too, next to an amp. 

The room also had a bunk bed. Eri got nervous when she saw someone in the bottom bunk that she didn't recognize. 

"Hibiki." She whispered, praying he would hear her and wake up. "Hibiki!". 

Luckily enough the boy stirred and looked over. His mis matched eyes widened the moment he saw Eri. The boy scrambled to get out of bed, which would be fine, but he was on the top bunk. 

"Ouch..." He mumbled. Eri gave him a concerned look but the boy perked up immediately. 

"Good morning, Eri. Did you sleep well?". 

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