40: Save Me Twice-Shame On Me

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"Hey asshole!" Hitoshi called out. Chisaki looked over at the pair, who were now fully visible.

"One of you, take care of them." He ordered. 

Got him. 

"Hold still." Hitoshi said. Chisaki went completely still, his eyes wide with horror at the realization of what had happened. Hitoshi didn't wait-he ran right up to the man and punched his square in the face. "That's for hurting my fucking sister." He spat out. 

Mirio stepped in, kicking Chronostasis in the head and sending him back into the nearest wall. The upperclassman hit the weirdo in the bird mask twice more before stopping. 

Hibki decided to get involved as well, running to Overhaul, quirk suppressing cuffs in hand. Then, he heard something strange. The click of a gun. 

"Get down!" He shouted at Hitoshi. The boy flinched and they both hit the ground hard. Two bullets hit just where Hitoshi's body would have been. Unfortunately the distraction meant the mind control was broken. 

Two more of the Eight Bullets dropped to the ground from the rafters. One clicked his tongue beneath the mask, obviously disapproving. "Kids these days. No respect for the process. No respect for the way things are supposed to go." The intimidating figure in a black cloak said. 

Suddenly, it was like the whole group suddenly lost balance. 

"My legs-" Mirio said in shock. It was clear neither of them recognized the feeling, but Hibiki did. 

Drunkenness was just what he needed in a close quarters fight. Anyone under the influence, quirk effect or not, was immune to his quirk. Or at least resistant. He could actually use it if Mirio and Hitoshi were stuck on the ground from the quirk's dizzying effects. 

The white haired teen looked up at Chisaki and smiled before letting out a piercing high note. The villains all threw their hands over their ears, the black cloak wearing one dropping his gun to the ground in the process. The only one safe was the drunk one hanging from the ceiling, but he didn't seem like that big of an issue. 

Chisaki glared at Hibiki. "You're troublesome." He gritted out, "How filthy.". 

Mirio broke off the ground and fazed into the walls, reappearing right where the two members of the Eight bullets were standing. Bouncing in and off the walls he managed to get them unconscious before Hitoshi and Hibiki could properly stand up again. 

"What kind of an ultimate move is that?" Hitoshi asked breathlessly, amazed at how easily Togata had subdued their opponents. 

"I'm a third year. I've had a lot of time to learn." The blond said with a smile. His face quickly turned back into a glare as he turned to face Chisaki. 

"You're all idiots." The yakuza mused. "You think you're saving her? That you're doing good here?". 

"What if she gets hurt? Or hurts someone? Like this I'm the only person who can heal her. The only person that can put her back together, even if she's not the same as she was before." Chisaki continued. 

"How dare you?!" Togata shouted, "To do this to anyone is unspeakable-but to do this to your own child! How can you be so horrible?!" 

"Oh?" Chisaki said, tilting his head to the side, "I don't have any children.". 

Suddenly the floor changed completely. Everything was ripped up and made anew in giant moving spikes. Togata managed to dodge most of them, only getting stabbed in the back of the leg. 

Hibiki felt something get a little too close to his hip and confirmed that he had indeed been stabbed a little. "You fucker..." He grunted, glaring at the villain. 

"You're not even half as good at appealing to my humanity as he is." The villain noted, gesturing to Mirio. Hibiki smirked. 

"'Cause I'm not appealing to shit." He spat out, holding a speaker in his hand. He chucked it at the villain-his aim actually spot on for once. 

Chisaki shot a small spike right through it before it could get anywhere though. 

"What will you do now?" He asked, "The exits are sealed off. Hero boy can't run away without leaving the Wonder Twins behind.". His skin scratching had increased since Hibiki used his quirk. The effects must be lingering on him for some reason. 

---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- 

"To Hibiki!" Mirai shouted, disappearing from the hallway they had been inside. They disappeared and reappeared at Shota's side in an instant. "This way." The blonde teen instructed. 

Shota and the rest of the group followed quickly, trusting the teen's teleportation powers to lead them to Chisaki and the rest of their group. 

They broke the wall with a combination of Rock Lock and Midoriya's powers. Arriving right on time. 

The spikes in the room roared to life as Chisaki touched the ground, boosting Chronostasis and nailing Hitoshi right through the shoulder. Shota paled at the sight of his son covered in his own blood and Mirai wasted no time teleporting over 

"Its over Chisaki!" Midoriya shouted, green lightening radiating off of him. Hibiki took on a fighting stance as well and Mirio lunged for the villain. 

The trio almost collided, but Hibiki ducked down and Mirio was careful to phase through his underclassmen. All three were skilled fighters at this point.

Chisaki blasted Mirio and Hibiki back with a massive spike right after their hits collided. They definitely broke his left arm, from the way he was holding it. 

"People touching me-" The villain rasped out, "Is something I hate more than anything else.". 

He put his hand back on the ground and Midoriya tried to stop him but was a second too late. The field changed again, this time giving Chronostasis a clear shot at the hero students. 

At some point Aizawa had disappeared, absorbed into the walls by Chisaki's quirk. Alarm bells were ringing in Hibiki's head when he realized he was trapped in a circle of spikes. His first instinct was to try to climb out of under, but their surfaces were perfectly smooth. 

There was no way out. 

"Hibiki!" Hitoshi called out, the panic audible in his voice. The white haired teen whipped around, worried his brother was in danger. He saw Hitoshi still pinned by his shoulder injury to a spike with Mirai right next to him, trying to stop the bleeding. 

A shot rang out. Hibiki turned in an instant and realized he was the target. The bright red quirk destroying bullet was headed right for him. 

Panic flooded his brain and the boy barely had time to brace himself for the impact. 

But it never came. 

Hibiki opened his miss-matched eyes to see a dark swirl of purple in front of him. The bullet was redirected, hitting Chronostasis himself. The villain screamed in agony as his veins glowed red. 

"Chrono!" Chisaki shouted, sending a spike at whoever had deflected the bullet. Another purple portal opened and Chisaki barely avoided his own attack and suffering the same fate of his underling. 

The unidentified figure turned to Hibiki and smiled. The boy felt relief flood his system. 

"You get shot at a lot, huh kid?". 


I'm back! 

(Sorry for the delay guys, shit's been wild recently 😅) 

So fun story-this was supposed to be the last chapter (because exactly 40 chapters is so neat and clear cut) but its not nearly dramatic enough for me and I think you guys'll agree with that. 

I was really gonna end it with that last line and just go straight to the epilogue! I thought it'd be fun for you guys to know where this whole fic could have ended, but of course its not quite the grand finale Hibiki deserves. 

Honestly this chapter's been written for a while and has been in my head for even longer but emotionally I wasn't quite ready to finish it yet 😭 so I just didn't post it. 

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