21: You Lucked Out

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나 무서워 

나 무서워, 형! 

"형!". Hibiki awoke with a gasp as he sat straight up in bed. 

Mirai was sitting on the end of his bed, a concerned look on their face. "Are you alright, Hibiki?" They asked, "You were screaming in your sleep. I couldn't make out what you were saying but it didn't sound good.". 

The white haired teen tried desperately to catch his breath. He heard the pit pat of a few tear drops sliding off his cheeks and hitting the blanket below him. 

The air came in with shaky, shallow breaths but it came in. Hibiki wondered if he had been unknowingly suffocating himself in his sleep. 

"What's going on?" Shota asked, opening the door. He and Hizashi walked into the room. The couple only seemed more worried after seeing the state Hibiki was in. 

"Just a nightmare." Hibiki assured the couple, wiping the tears from his eyes. His cheeks were still wet with them and he definitely had tear tracks, but he chose to ignore that for the time being. 

"That's not a normal nightmare, kiddo. At least not for you." Hizashi said. Hibiki took a deep breath. 

"I think its just the stress of being in a new school." A complete lie. They knew it, he knew it but the problem was Hibiki couldn't answer their questions. 

He didn't know why he was having these nightmares. 

Just as he thought that, the image of the mismatched eyes and wide smile flashed in his mind but he ignored it. That crazy bastard had nothing to do with him. He shouldn't have let the encounter get to him this much. 

Honestly, how much time did one person need to move on? It felt like it was taking Hibiki forever. 

"You look pretty rough, problem child." Shota said, his tone kind and low. "Do you want me to call your internship and tell them you wont be able to come tonight? You'll have the whole day to relax and maybe take a nap.". 

Hibiki was shaking his head before he even realized it. "No, I'm good to go. I 'patrolled' after much worse when I was a vigilante.". He put patrolled in air quotes because at the time he didn't think that was what he had been doing. He was just a kid that couldn't stand being at home. That was all. 

Shota gave him a complicated look but relented. "Whatever makes you happy, as long as its safe." He said. Hizashi had come up with the motto and it suited their family perfectly. 

The teens both smiled and Hibiki got out of his bed. "I'm gonna go wash up before breakfast." He said. Everyone filed out of the room. 

----------- ----------- ---------- -----------  ----------- ------------ ----------

"Good afternoon!" Hibiki called as he entered the gym. 

"Afternoon." A few scattered coordinators and sidekicks called in response. The boy crossed the threshold from the locker room to the gym at the exact same time as Uraraka. 

"Ah, hiya Na!" She said with a wide smile. Her hair was pulled back his a headband. Hibiki realized it would probably be a good idea for him to bring one too, his bangs were getting too long. He'd have to ask if he could borrow one from Hizashi. 

"Hey. You can call me Hibiki, you know that right?" He said, walking over to where they always started their training. Uraraka shrugged. "I'm just so used to being formal with people, I guess." She said. 

"That's okay too." The white haired boy said. Right as he sat down Gunhead burst into the room. 

"Ah, my two interns!" He said, the smile audible in his voice. "Lets start with some stretching then we'll be learning a bit more about traditional martial arts.". The two bowed slightly and nodded, excited to start training. 

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