30: Because Its You

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Hizashi and Shota burst into the hospital like the hounds of hell are chasing at their heels. 

"Hibiki!" Hizashi cried out, his eyes landing on the boy.

They had always known he was small. A little on the shorter side, broad but not overly buff. But the hospital bed and IV made him look tiny. The couple felt their hearts break as he looked at them with wide, startled eye. 

"How're you feeling kid?" Shota asked as they approached the bed. Hizashi was already checking the boy over, ensuring he had no crazy injuries they weren't told about. He hadn't cracked a rib, but he had come close. Recovery Girl was occupied with the ongoing situation in Kamino so he was healing like a normal person. 

Hibiki blinked up at them. He was clearly shaken up by them just bursting into the room. 

"Come on kiddo." Shota said as he made his way to the bedside, "Talk to us.". Hibiki wasn't speaking and it was worrying. 

Slowly Hibiki opened his mouth, focusing on the action. "Dad?" He asked. The boy looked between the pair expectantly. 


You could hear a pin drop. Every beat of the heart monitor echoed in the room. 

Hizashi opened his mouth to say something but it appeared he had taken too long to respond. Hibiki reached with his good arm up to his neck and started scratching at it. 

"M' sorry." He mumbled, his voice wet with emotion. The pair looked at him in shock. "M' sorry-shouldn'tve should-sorry." He stuttered. 

"Shh." Hizashi said, recognizing the signs of an oncoming panic attack. He took the boy's good hand in his and held it gently to prevent him from scratching himself. "Its okay, baby." He assured the boy. 

"No-so I-m' sorry." He continued, a tear dripping down his face. Shota reached to wipe it away, his rough hands a sharp contrast to Hibiki's soft skin. 

"Its okay." Hizashi repeated, smiling warmly. "You got it right, we're your dads.". 

Shota couldn't help but be shocked at his husband's response. Sure he had jumped the gun and called Hibiki their son months ago, but still. Titles were a big step. A step in the right direction of course, but still it was a shock. 

Maybe Hibiki on pain killers was just more honest than without them. 

"You are?" He asked softly, eyes not quite able to pick which foster parent he wanted to look at when he asked the question. Shota huffed out a fond chuckle. 

"We are." He confirmed. 

"Good cuz you p-promised. Cuz we're a family." The boy mumbled. The married couple made eye contact and smiled. Hibiki still had his sass. Everything would be okay. 

"We did and we are." Hizashi confirmed, "How do you feel, kiddo?". Hibiki hummed, thinking about it for a second. 

"Floaty." He said finally. Then he added, "Drunk.". 

Now, Shota really wanted to jokingly ask him how he knew what being drunk felt like, but he didn't want the boy to panic. They had talked about his old antics as well as how wrong it was for him to do those things. It was a slippery slope for kids, especially kids with Hibiki's type of trauma. 

So instead of teasing him Shota just nodded and smiled. "That's the pain killers. Do you remember why you need those?" He probed gently. 

"Ribs..." Hibiki muttered, then furrowed his brow, thinking hard about his next statement. "Stitches? Did they redo 'em?". 

"Redo them?" Shota repeated in confusion. "Did you stitch yourself up before?". He was under the impression that the hospital had closed the wound on his arm. Hibiki didn't even know how to stitch up a person. He could stitch up clothes easily, bit it wasn't the same thing. 

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