35: The New Blood

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"I'm never excepting another intern ever again." Night Eye said, looking at the office space between his fingers. His head was in his hands and in all honesty he looked defeated. 

Perhaps the silly string war that was occurring had something to do with that. 

Bubble Girl, Deku and Mirio were putting up a good fight, but Hibiki and Hitoshi were a well oiled machine when it came to stuff like this. 

"Aim properly damn it!" Hitoshi shouted. Hibiki grumbled. 

"I didn't put my eye drops in! I have no depth perception right now. I'm doing my best!" He shot back. Hitoshi rolled his eyes and sprayed another glob of purple silly string at their opponents. 

Hibiki's focused as best he could and pushed down on the can's tab. He hit Mirio right in the visor with his own purple silly string. 

"I'll avenge you!" Midoriya said, launching some silly string at Hibiki. The boy pulled his hero outfit's hood down to protect his face from the green string. 

Bubble Girl leapt over one of the desks in the open office space and aimed for Hitoshi. The purple haired boy let out and 'eep' before his face was covered in the green substance. 

"Ahem." Night Eye cleared his throat forcefully, calling all the attention to himself. 

"Temporary cease fire!" Mirio called out. Everyone dropped their cans of silly string and gave Night Eye their full attention. 

"I believe I asked you two to show the new recruits what the agency was like." He said, looking to Bubble Girl and Mirio. The two looked a little sheepish. 

"That's kinda what we did, sir." Mirio said, "We have a lot of fun around here.". 

The hero put his head in his hands. "I meant take them on patrol." He said. 

"Ooohhh." The two said in unison. 

"Lets get going then!" Mirio said cheerfully, "Oh and Na?". Hibiki looked up at the mention of his name. "Go put some eye drops in.". 

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"So what was it like being a vigilante?" Mirio asked.

"How did people find out about that?" Hibiki mumbled to himself. Mirio chuckled. "Well, it was really different because I didn't know I was a vigilante. I just thought I attracted trouble. Helping people was my natural impulse, but I unintentionally became a vigilante because of it.". 

"Amazing." The third year said, "How did you never get recognized?". 

"Oh my quirk made people's memory pretty fuzzy. They weren't able to accurately describe me." The boy explained, "I'm pretty lucky for that too. If Eraserhead had found me earlier I probably just would have been arrested instead of sort of adopted.". 

There was a beat of silence before Hibiki realized something. "No ones called me Na in a while. Its kinda weird to be honest.". 

"Why?" Midoriya asked, walking up beside Hibiki. 

"Well I found out recently that my biological family's last name isn't Na, its Park. But the rest of my family is all over the place. Mirai's last name is Hayashida, Hitoshi's is Aizawa-Yamada. My dads have their own last names." He explained. 

"That's...complicated." Midoriya said. Hibiki smiled. 

"Yeah it really is." 

"Maybe they could just adopt you and Hayashida. Then you could change your last names to Aizawa-Yamada." He suggested. Hibiki blushed at just the suggestion. 

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