11: Name Of The Game Pt. 2

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Midoriya started strong with an awkward slashing motion that Hibiki easily avoided. He tried to get in close, this time going for a stab but Hibiki had seen crackheads do a better job. 

Without breaking a sweat Hibiki dodged left, grabbing Midoriya's wrist before he could pull his arm back towards his body. In one swift motion he used his other arm to push Midoriya down by his shoulder until he was kneeling on top of the hero student. He gripped the green haired teen's hand with a painful amount of force until he unconsciously dropped the knife. 

Hibiki grabbed the knife with one of his free arms and poked Midoriya in the back, signaling his victory and the end of the round. 

Half the eyes in the room were on them, their mouths open in shock. "Your classmates must have a high opinion of you if they're so shocked you lost." Hibiki said, standing up. He held his hand out for Midoriya, who gladly took his and rose to his feet. 

"I guess." The hero student mumbled, a light blush on his cheeks. "You were so fast.". Hibiki smiled a little. 

"Lets just say I have first hand experience." He laughed, "I guess its my turn to attack you?". Midoriya nodded and bent down to hand Hibiki the knife. 

The two back off so there was about 5 feet between them. Hibiki gripped the fake knife and tried not to remember the feeling of the pocket knife, which he lost that night with the sludge monster. It was a lot of bad memories. Not exactly trauma but he was suspicious of anyone with their hands stuck in their pockets. 

He took a deep breath and evened out his stance. 

Then, he snapped into motion, charging at Midoriya. There was no point in slashing, the fake knife wasn't nearly long enough for that and neither was the trusty pocket knife. That had been Midoriya's first mistake in their fight. 

The hero student managed back off fast enough to avoid being 'stabbed'. Hibiki decided to try another strategy, moving hard and fast to the right. Midoriya moved to the left to avoid being stabbed and Hibiki quickly reversed his grip on the knife so it was facing backwards in his hand. Midoriya's eyes bared had time to widen before Hibiki moved to stab the boy's leg. 

Midoriya caught the 'blade' in his hands, a bit of green lightening crackling around it. "Pro tip," Hibiki said, half joking half not, "the saying 'there's so right way to catch a falling knife', doesn't just apply to investments. Never, and I mean never, try to grab a knife.". 

"Wouldn't it be better for it to be my hand then my thigh?" Midoriya asked. Hibiki shook his head. 

"I told you, first hand experience." He emphasized his point my holding up his left hand. There was a long looking scar that cut right across his palm. "I caught it on the long side, so it didn't stab through and damage my nerves or anything, but I nearly died that night and if I had let it hit my shoulder I would have been in a better position.". 

Midoriya swallowed and nodded, not quite expecting the sudden seriousness. "So I guess you had to lose a lot of knife fights before you got this good?" He asked with a slight chuckle. Hibiki shook his head.

"Nope, I've never lost." He said simply. Midoriya's eyes widened. "Never?" He repeated, Hibiki shook his head. 

"People who lose a knife fight don't tend to be physically able to get in another one. I've never actually been stabbed, not really anyways. I've never stabbed someone else either, only slashed. I'm too chicken to stab anyone and my quirk usually sorts things out before it can get too dangerous. But sometimes it makes people more violent before it incapacitates them, so we end up in a knife fight." Hibiki explained. 

Midoriya's mind reeled with the idea that a quirk could both incapacitate someone and made them aggressive. Nothing had ever been publicized about Echo's appearance or quirk, but Midoriya had always been curious. It was rare a vigilante got that much attention by a news outlet, but the police weren't able to cover it up easily. 

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