16: It Just Keeps Getting Better

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Robots were one thing, you know? Like that was to be expected. 

But the gorge? The tiny circles of rocks in the center? Not what they expected. 

"Hold onto me." Mirai said. Hibiki nodded and grabbed on to their left side. "3 meters ahead." Mirai said. Suddenly they were on one of the further away rocks. Hibiki nearly slipped off the side but held on as they teleported again. 

In just over a minute 45 seconds they were on the other side. Todoroki had just crossed too and so had Bakugou. "Lets keep going." Hibiki said as they started running again. 

Suddenly Hibiki saw Todoroki stop in his tracks out of the corner of his eyes. He stopped Mirai by grabbing the collar of their track jacket. Quickly he covered Mirai's ears and squawked at the ground. 

"Fuck." He muttered, "There's something metal under there. Listen.". Hibiki did it again. Mirai just nodded, they had no idea what metal under the ground sounded like but they trusted Hibiki. 

Right at that moment an explosion was set off where Katsuki was. "Fuck!" The blond shouted, dodging at the last moment. 

"Land mines." Mirai stated the obvious. Hibiki nodded. "Can you teleport us to the end?" He asked. Mirai shook their head. "I don't know where the end is. It could be the whole final stretch of the race for all we know." They said. 

Hibiki thought about it for a second and bent down. "Get on my back. I'll carry you to the end of the mine field." He said. Mirai was hesitant. 

"I'm pretty heavy. You won't be able to run with me on your back." They said. "Don't underestimate me." Hibiki said, a smirk on his face, "You wont be able to run, my quirk's probably gonna make you pass out. We're getting to the end of this race together or not at all. Now people are closing in on us and passing through the rocks, so hurry.". 

Mirai climbed onto Hibiki's back and the white haired boy lifted them effortlessly. "Any playlist preferences?" Hibiki asked as he started jogging towards the mine field. Mirai flicked his head. "Just be careful." They said, resting their face on Hibiki's back. 

Hibiki started singing mindlessly but soon launched into one of the songs that was always playing in the gym when Aizawa was training them. He seemed to use that to avoid the mines pretty easily, although he had to stop when someone detonated one and made it impossible for him to hear. Still, they were definitely in the top ten. 

The pair was just reaching the end of the mine field was a massive explosion occurred. Mirai quickly teleported them 20 meters ahead in a panic and the two collapsed in a heap just fast enough to watch Midoriya sail through the finish line first. 

--------- --------- --------- -------- --------- ----------- --------- --------  (Mirai = 190 Hibiki = 195) 

"Welcome to the second stage; the cavalry battle! Students will create teams of 2-4 people each. The goal of the game is to get as many people's headbands as possible!" Midnight, this round's announcer, said, her voice bright and excited. 

"The fun part is, the higher you placed the more point's your worth! There are festival staff will hand out headbands to the riders of each team with your full team value on them soon, so start teaming up. Oh and I should mention that our first place finisher is worth 10 million points!". The crowd cheered loudly at that and Midoriya looked like he was going to faint. "Quirk use is allowed but not with malicious intent. No hurting each other on purpose." Midnight finished. 

Mirai was almost immediately mobbed. Hibiki understood that. They were worth a fair amount of points having placed 5th just after Hibiki (because they had raced each other in the end as a sort of friendly fire thing). Hibiki was only worth 5 points more than Mirai was, so it wasn't much of an edge. Still, having someone who could teleport as your rider would prevent a lot of bandana stealing, so Mirai was somewhat of a hot commodity. 

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