22: Who You Were

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"Hold my hands, boys. Don't let go." The man said. Hibiki looked up him with wide eyes. He had black hair and warm brown eyes that searched the darkness of the streets around them frantically. 

"Where are we going appa?" A voice asked. There was a little boy holding the man's right hand. He had black hair too but with one white and one purple eye. The boy was maybe 6 years old and looked worried. "Where's eomma?". 

"She's not coming with us, Kiyoshi." The man said simply. "Why not?" Hibiki asked. 

It was strange. The words came from him but he didn't remember them. They felt strange in his mouth and the language was all wrong. He didn't even understand korean. He had never studied it. Yet in this every word made sense. His voice was higher too, but he supposed he was a child in the hallucination. 

His brain felt too sluggish to pull away. The scene before him was like a stream pulling him along. 

"Because she's not." The man said, his voice shaky. He clutched the children's hands tighter as he pulled them along the dark street. "We're going to stay in Japan instead of going with eomma to the airport.". 

"Why?" Kiyoshi asked. The man kept searching the street as they walked, his breath visible in the cold. 

"Be quiet sweetie and don't look at anyone you see. Don't look at the cars, okay boys?" The man said. Hibiki turned away from the road and looked up at the man with big mismatched eyes. 

"I'm sleepy appa." Hibiki said, his voice soft and on the verge of tears. "Shhh baby. Only a little longer then you and your hyung can sleep, okay?" The man cooed, "Just a little bit longer.". 

The trio kept walking down the dark street. Cars passed but both children obediently kept their eyes on the ground, their heads and faces hidden by the hoods of their winter jackets. 

Eventually they reached a building with warm light pooling out of the window. The man breathed a sigh of relief and picked the boys up to walk then up the front steps of the building. 

"Welcome!" A cheerful but undoubtably exhausted voice called. This time in Japanese. The man placed Hibiki and Kiyoshi on the ground. Both boys clung to the man's legs. 

"Hello." The man said, his voice much less tense, "I was wondering if I could drop my boys off. Its an emergency. I can fill out any paperwork you need and its only for a couple hours.". The woman eyes the kids with a polite smile but looked hesitant. 

"We have space but we can only take children under 5." She said. The man's face fell. He looked terrified. 

"Please, I promise he's not any trouble." The man pleaded, "I really can't keep him with me.". The woman just smiled apologetically. 

"Would you still like to drop off the younger one?" She asked, suppressing a yawn, "If not I'll have to ask you to leave, for the safety of the children already here.". 

The man looked conflicted and eyed the dark street. Then, his expression steeled. "Yes." He said simply.

"Then I'll give you a moment to say goodbye and set a pickup time." The woman said, "You pay when you pick them up.". The man nodded and went down on his knees, facing Hibiki and Kiyoshi. 

"You're going to stay here for a little bit, okay Rin?" He said, holding Hibiki's cheeks in his cold, calloused hands. Hibiki shook his head. 

"Wanna stay with appa!" He protested. The boy felt his eyes prick with tears.

His appa shushed him, wiping the tears with his thumbs. "Don't cry baby. I'll be back with your hyung in a couple hours. One sleep and we'll be right there to pick you up, I promise." He said. Hibiki kept shaking his head. "Remember, if anyone comes to pick you up that isn't me, don't go with them. If eomma comes and tries to pick you up, don't go with her. Tell them 'my dad's name is Imai Hibiki and I need help', okay?". The language difference made Hibiki's head feel swimmy. The little speech he had been told was in Japanese but the rest was in Korean. 

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