10: Name Of The Game Pt. 1

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"Care to explain what you're really doing here?" Aizawa asked, not having the excuses. Both teens looked at the floor sheepishly. 

"Its my fault. I suggested that we come here and that we should head to the gyms-" "No it wasn't Mirai." Aizawa interrupted, "I don't know you that well but I know you well enough to know that none of this was your idea. That doesn't mean you're getting off scot free though.". Mirai nodded and looked over to Hibiki who was shifting awkwardly in place. 

"I just thought it would be fun to check U.A out. I've never seen the campus before, at least in person, and you live so close..." The teen trailed off. Aizawa sighed. 

"I can understand being curious but this really isn't allowed if the security checks at the entrances weren't enough to tell you that. If any other teacher but me had found you the two of you might be in Nezu's office right now instead of the backroom of a training gym." The pro hero said, his tone a little harsh. He was right though, they were lucky it was Aizawa they had run into. 

"I understand." Hibiki said, his eyes hollow. The boy felt his breathing start to pick up but kept it quiet. He didn't want his foster parent to be any more pissed than he already was. 

Aizawa noticed it though. He also noticed how both kids were starting to close themselves off physically, making themselves as small as possible in the cramped room. He sighed and dropped his head a little bit. 

"I'll drive you two home after school today I can't leave school today because its an long hero training period. You can shadow me for the rest of the day but next time you want to come to U.A you have to ask, okay? Hizashi and I have visitor's passes that we can give you to get in without teleporting." Aizawa said. The two nodded, looking a little bewildered. 

"That's it?" Hibiki couldn't stop himself from asking. The foster parent gave him a confused look. 

"Well you'll be doing dishes for the next two weeks for being reckless but other than that yes, that's it. Oh, Mirai you'll be helping him when you're at the house." He said, reaching for the door handle so he could return to his class. 

"You're not gonna...you know..." Mirai asked, eying Aizawa's hands and face. 

It took him a second to understand but the pro hero was downright horrified when he realized what the teens were expecting. 

He had pulled them into a private place where no one else could see them and proceeded to scold them. With the sort of discipline they probably experienced as children it was to be expected that this was their reaction. 

"I'm not going to hurt you. Either of you, ever." He answered firmly. "Beating someone isn't discipline, that's not how it works. You have your consequences and you have a solution to avoid the problem in the future. Nothing more needs to be said or done, especially not something so needlessly cruel. Now, lets get back out there so my class doesn't lose their shi-I mean minds.". 

'Needlessly cruel' Hibiki thought, completely in shock. What a choice of words. If someone had asked him how to describe being hit or slapper or kicked as punishment he would have said 'normal', not 'needlessly cruel'. Shota and Hizashi, they really were something else. 

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"Alright problem children, this is Hayashida Mirai and Na Hibiki. They're-" The pro hero paused for a second. It was easy to describe his relationship with Hibiki so far, he was his foster dad. But Mirai was whole other kettle of fish. Still, he couldn't keep calling them 'my foster son's best friend', because they were a lot more than that to the family. 

"Well lets just say that for all intents and purposes they're my kids. I can't get away long enough to drive them home and they don't have school today so they'll be watching and helping out." He explained. There were several murmurs from the class but he ignored them. "Todays activity will be weapons based combat. You will cycle through combat in pairs with three different weapons. Poles, wooden knives and fake guns. They're all as accurate as you can make them without hurting anybody, so try to take this seriously. Don't keep track of your victories or loses, this is just an introduction. You don't know how to fight with these weapons nor do you know how to fight someone wielding one. Today is all about starting you off safely, so no quirk use either. If today goes well you can use your quirks in a similar activity tomorrow".

The class seemed to get really excited at the prospect of combat despite the no quirk rule. Honestly Hibiki and Mirai were pretty hyped too, maybe they would get to keep sparring against each other. Mr. Aizawa gestured to the cart full of fake/wooden weapons, "Grab one and pair up. You'll spar with your current partner 6 times. Once with each of the weapons, once against each of the weapons. After that you'll switch partners. We'll being doing this both before and after lunch, understood?". 

"Yes sir!" The class said in unison grabbing their friends and forming pairs.

"Wanna pair up?" Uraraka asked, approaching Midoriya with one of each of the weapons. He gave her a tight lipped smile. "Not today, I want to ask Mr. Aizawa about something." The hero student said, walking up to the teacher. 

"Would it be possible for me to pair with Na?". Aizawa turned around at that, a little shocked. "He's not a hero student." The teacher explained, "He doesn't have any training and I don't want him getting hurt.". 

Midoriya nodded and looked up at his teacher. "But you said he was Echo. Echo was at large for months and no one could find him. He was also extremally effective at handling street fights. I think I'll get a better experience fighting against him.". 

Aizawa considered it for a moment and looked over at Hibiki and Mirai. They were both looking back at him with big, pleading eyes. He thought about it for a second before deciding that it would be okay. "I'll allow it-but on a few conditions." The teacher said. Hibiki muttered a little 'hell yeah' under his breath and Aizawa rolled his eyes fondly. "Mirai, you have full rein to use your quirk during this activity since you don't have the same training as everyone else. Hibiki, no using your quirk unless you think its an absolute emergency. You can also tell Midoriya to stop at any time and he will.". Hibiki nodded eagerly. "I'll go find Mirai a partner, you two get going.". 

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 Hibiki felt like he was in a double bind. He didn't want to act weak or lose. No, he really wanted to give the green haired kid a taste of what he had seen with him and Mirai earlier. Still, he felt as though winning would confirm to everyone that he had been in knife fights many times before and that occasionally he was one of the people holding a knife. 

"Remember, don't hold back." Midoriya said, as if he could read Hibiki's mind. The 15 year old looked at his opponent, like really looked at him. He was bulkier than Hibiki was, and by a lot too, but he was about and inch or so shorter. Basically Hibiki had no physical advantages. 

"Have you ever been in a knife fight before?" Hibiki asked before his filter could stop him. Midoriya seemed to startle at that but shook his head. "Then you start off with the knife. I'll be basically giving you pointers either way." He said, tossing the wooden tool at his opponent. Midoriya nodded, clutching the fake knife in his hand with a determined expression. 


Someone please tell me to stop making multiple parts of a chapter 😭I feel like I do it so often and no one wants to read this much of my stuff at once lol. 

Seriously though I've done so many of these recently cause I'm not at school for the winter holidays and I have all the time in the world to write. Maybe that's why I'm setting up a second wattpad account. Actually that's probably why. I should start thinking outside of writing author's notes tbh. 

Fun news though, I'm posting the Christmas special today! Its going to be added in Home because Shatter got the Halloween special. Its basically a mash up of all Aizawa's kids from all of my stories (Hibiki and Mirai included 😉) and is very loosely based on Charles Dickens 'A Christmas Carol'. 

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