Number Six

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HoYeon: Not famous

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HoYeon: Not famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Couple


"HoYeon wait!" I screamed after my girlfriend who was walking away from me since we left the house. Our argument started at my place and got so bad that HoYeon decided to leave. Obviously I followed her. 

"What else do you want? You said everything you had to say" HoYeon answered me while she stopped walking and turned around. 

"By far not" I answered and also stopped walking. "I just don't get it. Why is that such a problem to you?"

"The problem Y/N is, that you always put yourself first! Before anyone else!"

"So you're saying I should always put you first?" 

"No that's not what I meant!"HoYeon replied angry and came a bit closer towards me. "It's just, for example yesterday, I had a really important task at work and you made me drop everything just because you reservated our table on the wrong time. You could've just called the restaurant and tell then that we'll come an hour later but no, you had to make me rush off work, miss the deadline of my task just because you weren't man enough to call!"

 "So you're gonna blame me for one time?!" 

"No Y/N that was definetly not only one time!"

 I sighted and just looked at HoYeon across from me. I didn't even know what to say anymore. This girl is always exaggerating.

"So you're gonna give me the silent judgement?" HoYeon asked me what made me even more angry. 

"No..I just don't know what to say anymore" 

"Well if you say so" HoYeon said and turned around and was just about to leave. 

".....Wait!" I said and covered my face with one hand for short. 

HoYeon turned around. "What? What do you wanna say now huh? Another apology? Another promise that you'll break aynway? What is it Y/N I'm dying to know!" She asked sarcastically. (GIF)

"Are we really supposed to end like this?" I asked HoYeon and her answer made me angry and heartbroken at the same time.

"No we were not but you made us end like that"

After she was finished, she turned around and walked away while I could juts stand there, heartbroken, looking at the pavement.

HoYeon POV: 

"Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry" were the only thoughts that crossed my mind when I walked away from Y/N but I knew deep down that it was the best for me. 

As I came home, my little brother was still awake while my parents were asleep.

 I sat down on my bed and covered my face with my hands and rested my arms on my knees. My hair helped me to cover my face aswell. I cried but I tried not to make noises so no one would wake up. 

"HoYeon?" I heard a quiet voice say.

As I looked up, I saw my liittle brother Cheol standing in my door. 

"Cheol!... I uhm...why are you still awake?" I asked him and quickly and wiped my tears away. I tried not to show that I was sad but my brother could see through me and came over to me on my bed and hugged me and I replied the hug.

 "Why are you crying?" He asked me and I tried not to worry him. "It's fine Cheol just go to's late" 

"HoYeon I don't wanna see you sad. Tell me pleaseee" He begged and released the hug.

I looked down for a sec, clenched my jaw, looked back at Cheol and answered him "I'm sad and crying over someone..." 

"Someone who made you sad?" Cheol asked me. 

"No...somene who made me very, very happy"

 Since Cheol is only 8 he probably doesn't understand much of this topic but he tried to comfort me anyway. "Maybe I'll undertsand when Im older but I'm sorry for you" He replied and hugged me again.


I returned home and was wet as hell since it started raining when I was in the middle of my way home. My hair was falling down in my face as I opened my house door and let it fall back into it's lock as I was in. 

In that moment, all my sadness and anger were botteled up in me so I did the only thing that I thought would help. I punched against my wall with all my might and I didn't even feel pain although I should have since my knuckles started bleeding. 

I looked at them and waited a moment to calm down before going into the bathroom to put a bandage on them.

 As the bandage was on, I looked up in the mirror and saw that behind me on the edge of the bathtub was hanging a shirt...but it wasn't was one of HoYeon's which she used to wear when she slept over.

I let my head fall down and looked down as tears left my eyes and I started to sniffle. "I'm sorry HoYeon..."

AN: As you may noticed, I wrote the relationshipstatus on top of the imagine to make it clear what kind of relationship the two of you will have in the imagine. I think I'll keep that up in future imagines.

Bonus question: How do you like my HoYeon imagines? I could really use some feedback. Thank you. I love yall

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