Number Twenty Six

299 14 0

Song: You Da One - By Rihanna

HoYeon: Not famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Couple

HoYeon POV:

It was a pretty normal wednesday afternoon in school. I was talking to my friend Ho-Ni and leaned on the lockers with one of my shoulders while he was searching his book in his locker

"So have you got the homework done this time?" he asked me while he looked into his locker. "Okay Ho-Ni I forgot the homework once months ago and you still decide to tease me about that one time?" I asked in return laughing a bit. "Of course. I'm your friend. I'm here to tease you" Ho-Ni replied laughing and viewed over to me for short. "You better focus on finding your book" I teased him. "That won't be neccesairy. I found it" He replied. "Smartass" I replied and both of us chuckeled a bit

Since Ho-Ni finally found his book, he could close his locker and we coould walk to our next class

In the hallway, we walked past my girlfriend Y/n and this girl named Nin-Li. I saw Y/n leaning on the lockers wiht her back, talking to her and looking in her eyes. Y/n didn't even saw me passing by because she must have been so focused on listening what Nin-Li said to her

I turned my head foreward again and tried not to think about it to much but that didn't really work. It was the last class for the day. Korean literatur

I sat on my desk in the second row from behind and I completely spaced out. I was in my head alot. "Why did Y/n look in her eyes like that? Who does Nin-Li think she is?"

Normally, I'm not a jealous person but when it comes to Nin-Li and Y/n I am because rumour has it that Nin-Li has a huge crush on Y/n. I talked with Y/n about that rumour and Y/n thinks it's not true at all

"Can someone answer me that?..........What about HoYeon"

I got pulled out of my thoughts as I heard my teacher Mrs. Jang saying my name

"I'm sorry could you repeat that?" I asked politely as I looked up at the blackboard. "I asked if you could answer that" Mrs. Jang replied and pointed on question number 3 that was written on the blackboard

After I successfully and luckily answered the question correct I was super reliefed that I got it correct. Otherwise that could have ended embarassing

As I came outside the school after my last class, I saw Y/n leaning on the hood of her car, looking down on her phone.  She always drives us home

"Hey babe" I said as I approached her. She looked up and smiled as she saw me

"Hey baby" she replied as she removed her phone into her pocket. We shared a short kiss and Y/n asked me afterwards "How were oyur classes" 

"Pretty good today. Yours?" I asked short in return. "Let's just say I'm glad that the day is over" Y/n replied chuckeling. I smiled at her slightly and got into her car and so did she

We have a 38 minute long carride ahead of us and it was a very awkward atmosphere between Y/n and me

"Are you alright?" Y/n asked me while she looked over to me for short while she was driving. "Yeah I'm fine" "Are you sure?" Y/ asked. "Yeah I'm sure"

I think Y/n exactly knew that I was lying so she didn't ask anymore questions and waited until we got to her place

I entered her house and put my backpack down by the entrance and walked in the living room. "Okay will you talk to me HoYeon? You almost didn't talk to me during the whole car ride. Something's up with you" I heard Y/n say from behind me. I turned around towards her and asked "Why should something be up with me?" "You tell me" Y/n answered

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