Number Thirty Four

266 14 3

Song: When you're ready - By Shawn Mendes

HoYeon: Not famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Single

HoYeon POV: 

Gosh how I hate this time of the year. Valentines day is right around the corner and everyone is all bubbly about it and super in love with their boyfriend or girlfriend. While I am single like a pringle. Infront of my friends and family I always act like I don't want a relationship but the truth is that I want one but I don't think I'm ready for one

"And then he asked me if I wanna be his valentine in a week!" my best friend Mi-Jin said to me excited while we walked down the hallway in our school. Her crush Bo-Ni finally asked her to be his valentine. I'm so happy for her. She truely deserves that because she has a crush on this guy since wow I don't know...3 years? Maybe even longer

"I'm so happy for you Mi-Jin" I answered while I faced her and smiled a bit. "And you? Do you have any plans with anyone?" Mi-Jin asked smirking as she rubbed her shoulder on mine. "I don't and you know that. And for fact, february 14 is a day like evry else" I answered

"I don't get it why you're such an anti love. I mean you have high chanches by boys and girls by how pretty and kind you are" Mi-Jin said. "Okay I'm not anti-love" I replied

"Whatever girl" Mi-Jin gave back smiling

As we approached my locker, we saw a red paper sticking out. It was shaped like...a heart? 

"Oh seems like you may have plans on valentines day" Mi-Jin said smirking. "Oh shut up" I gave back smiling as I opened my locke

To the paper heart was a letter attached. The letter was also red with black writing on it. I grabbed the letter and read it to myself while Mi-Jin also read it to herself. I was fine with that. She's my best friend. I don't keep secrets away from her

"Dear HoYeon, I hope that you don't think that whatI'm about to say here sounds conceaded but...when I look across the room, you starring right back at me like somebody told a joke and we're the only ones laughing, I feel butterflies. You light up this whole school and I would be the happiest girl on eart if you'd be the sun in my life...but first, you can guess a bit who I am..I mean there's still 3 days left before valentises day ;) And if you wanna send me a letter back, just put it on a desk in the last row in room 111"

"Oh my god! You have a secret admirer!" Mi-Jin said excited while I answered not so excited "It seems like it"

"Aren't you excited??" Mi-Jin questioned. "It's a letter. Not more" I answered. In reality, I was pretty curious who could've written that letter

" seems that someone really really likes should give love a try" Mi-Jin said

I thought about it while we walked to class


I came home from school while my father was already sitting at the table, waiting for me so he could serve the dinner

My brother Mike is in college and my mom works until late night. That's why I'm the closest to my father

"Hey was school?" he asked as he puts the newspaper aside. "It was fine" I said as I approached the table and sat down. My dad stood up and as he sat back down he placed a plate of spaghetti infront of him and me. "Thanks dad" I said as I picked up my fork

"What's that smile about?" my dad asked smirking. Have I smiled? I mean I was thinking about someone but I didn't realise I was smiling

"Hmm? Oh nothing " I replied

"Is is about that gir you told me about?" my dad asked. "Okay yeah...I left her a letter in her know, valentines day is coming up.."

"You know Y/N...from what I hear about her from you, I'm teeling you, she's the one"

"I won't even fight you about that" I thought as I smiled at my dad

The next day in school I actually saw a red letter on a desk as I entered the classroom first. No one else was there yet except me. I looked around quickly if someone was watching me, then I approached the table and read the letter

"I think you and your letter was very sweet...but I need to let you know that if I were you, I wouldn't get my hopes all up...I'm gonna be honest..I'm not ready for a relationship..."

I smiled to myself and immediately wrote a letter back

HoYeon POV: 

"Look HoYeon! Another letter!" Mi-Jin said as we approached my locker after lunchbreak

"Have you answered her?" Mi-Jin added as a question

"Yeah..." I said. "And what did you write?" 

"I told her the truth...that I'm not ready for a relationship?" "You're not?" Mi-Jin gave back confused. I nodded. "Why did you never tell me that?" she questioned. "I don't know but I'm sorry I didn't" I said as I opened the locker to get the letter in which was written "HoYeon...every single night, my arms are not around you but my mind's still wrapped around you..And it's okay...tell me when you're ready...I'm waiting. Even 10 years from now, if you haven't found someone, I promise I'll be around. And if I have to, I'll wait forever. Just say the word and I change my plans"

That was the cutest, sweetest, most adorable thing someone has ever written to me. I could've teared up on the spot if I wasn't in school

Today's the day. Valentines day. I entered school were I literally saw everyone holding hands and being all flirty. I was going to my locker, hoping to have recieved another letter but I was standing infront of my locker, I heard someone form behind me say "HoYeon?..."

I turned around and saw two pretty Y/E/C eyes looking at me. "Hi I'm Y/n...I'm in class 10A"

"Hey" I replied with a smile

"So uhm...since today's valentines day....I wanted to give you these" she said and handed me some white roses

"White favorite" I said as I recieved them

"I know your heart like the back of my hand" Y/N replied with a shy smile

"Thank you so much" I replied. "And I actually wanted to ask you something..." Y/n started but made a break

"Will you be my valentine? I mean anytime you're ready" Y/N ended her question and reached her hand out and smiled at me

In that moment we looked at each other and she knew that I now realised that she was the one who wrote those sweet letters for me

I honestly always thought I would say no to something like that but I just couldn't. I smiled, took Y/n's hand and said "Yes"

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