Number Thirty Six

214 15 0

Song: Slow Down - By Selena Gomez

HoYeon: Not famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Single

HoYeon POV: 

All students were still impressed about what our teacher Mrs. No just announced. Instead of our anual class party, we're gonna go to a club tonight. The whole class. No one expected that but we were all in for it

I was just thinking about that as suddenly my best friend Ha-Ji sat down besides me. "Do you think I should wear my red top tonight? I mean it looks gorgeous on me but what if I wanna wear my blue shoes? Then I should wear my blue top. But what if-"

"Woah woah woah" I cut her off. "Don't forget to breath" I said

 "I'm sorry but I just need to look absolutely stunnign. You know me HoYeon" she said." Yeah I do. And I do also know that whatever you wear, it will look good" "Thanks HoYeon. You're so sweet" Ha-Ji said and smiled at me

"What are you gonna wear?" she asked. "I don't know yet" I said

"And are you finaonna make a move?" Ha-Ji added after a moment of silence

"A move?" I questioned

Ha-Ji pointed at the table across the room where Y/n and her friends Jin-Kim and No-Gi were sitting

"Y/n?" I questioned and looked at Ha-Ji who nodded

"I don't know...she's hot but..ah I don't know" I said."'ve been staring holes into that girls head since 2 years. And you never made out with her or even kissed her once. You're hot aswell and I know you're confident. Show it. Tonight is the perfect oppertunity" Ha-Ji spoke

I turned my head and looked at Y/n once more and smirked. "You know what...maybe you're right"

The evening arrived...okay evening...night better said

At 11PM all students and Mrs. No met infront of the Club Madholic here in Seoul

As I expected, as Ha-Jin arrived, she looked absolutely beautiful in her red top. She caught alot of views from my classmate but also from other people who were waiting in line to enter the club

"Ha-Jin, Ha-Jin, Ha-Jin look at you" I said as she stood infront of me. "Look at you girl" she gave back as she analised my outfit. I smiled and as I looked around, I saw Y/n again with her friends Jim-Kim and No-Gi. They were laughing and smilig about somehting. Probably a joke No-Gi told. That damn smile of Y/n gate me everytime

After Mrs. No counted and we were complete, we entered the club. We all recieved a wrist band and went on the dance floor

Ha-Jin and I danced together to various songs until a stranger came to us. The boy kindly said hi and asked Ha-Jin if he could take her for a dance. Ha-Jin looked at me with a "Is it okay?" view and I nodded.  I'm happy for her that she can dance with someone who's interested in her

I looked around to spot my other classmates but my eyes got stuck as I saw that Y/n was already looking at me.  Suddenly, my confidence went right up to the ceiling. I mean now that i have captured her attention, I wanna steal her for a rhytm intervention. I clenched my jaw and slowly approached her through the crowd

"Where have your friends gone?" I asked as I only left a tiny space between Y/n and me

"They probably ran after some girl" Y/n answered and looked into my eyes

"How about you and I go for a dance instead of waiting for our friends to return" I said and reached my hand out for Y/n. She smirked at me and took my hand

"About time that you ask"

After numerous of songs and numerous of exchanged views between my brown eyes and Y/n's glowing Y/E/C eyes, she came closer to me, took my hands and placed them on her waist as she said "How about we do it like that"

"I'm accepting long as we can keep this record on rotation" I said and smirked. Y/N wrapped her arms around my body and we continued dancing

 Some songs later, Y/n and I went to the bar and had some drinks. Mojito's and some shots. I stopped after two shots but Y/n wanted to order another one

I said "Woah don't drink to much. You might pass out but luckily you have me by your side" I paused and came closer to Y/n's ear to whisper into it "I'm good with mouth to mouth resuscitation"

I backed off of her and although Y/n was looking straight foreward I could see her smirk

Her and I went back onto the dance floor and danced very close with a huge ammount of tension between us

"So what's your plan for the night?" Y/n asked me, looking directly in my eyes. I licked over my lips, looked at Y/n from botom to top and answered "I just wanna party all night in the neonlights so you can't let me go"

Y/n smirked and said "Well then you're lucky because we got similar plans because I just wanna feel your body right next to mine all night long"

"And when it's coming closer to the end hit rewind" I gave back

We were now both lost in each others eyes and before we knew it, our lips were glued to each others and Y/n's hand went up tomy neck. Sharing this kiss, in the neon lights with music booming was a whole 'nother level

I pulled Y/n closer to me as I smoothly traced to her back underneath her shirt and smirked into the kiss

"Yo Y/n do you want anotherd rink by chanche?" our kiss got interrupted by Jim-Kim who appeared to our left

Y/n and I released our lips but our hands remained where they were. We both looked at Jim-Kim and our view said it all

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt" Kim-Jin said guilty and left again

"Seems like he didn't get the girl" I said before I turned my head towards Y/n again. "But I did" she said, slightly smiled and kissed me again heated.

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