Number Thirty Nine

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You: Famous

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You: Famous

HoYeon: Famous

Relationship: Strangers


"Oh come on! Just drive for fuck sake!" I complained and let my head drop against my hands which were on the steering wheel of my Audi R8. I was once more stuck in Los Angele's traffic. I'm only stuck in traffic when I need to get to a job

As if I wasn't annoyed enough, I recieved an incoming call. I accepted it and called over my bluetooth-free-speak-function. "Hello?" 

"Y/n? Where are you?" 

I lifted my head up as I heard my managers voice. "I'm kinda stuck in traffic" 

"Well...when will you be here?" "Uhm hold on I'll ask the traffic light"

Sarcasm is one of my best and biggest weapons

"Look...." I added. "I'll get there as fast as I can"

"Hurry" was the last thing my boss said before he just hung up the call

"Ugh!" I rolled my eyes and dropped my head again. Why did noone tell me that modeling will be so stressful?

I told my manager that I don't wanna model for Adidas but he was just like "Ah buT IT wiLl Be GOOd foR YouR imaGe". He just wants the money that Adidas pays

As I finally pulled up in the parking lot of the studio, I even had troubles of finding a spot

As always, alot of fans waited infront of the studio. I wonder how they always find out where I will be

As soon as I stepped out of my car, I started jogging a bit. I heard the girls and boys call my name and reach their hand and phones out. They wanted me to sign stuff and take pics. I stopped infront of them and explained them that I'm in a huge rush but I will be coming back for them in my first break 

"Sorry I'm late" I explained as I storemed into the room where my manager and the photographer and basically everyone was already wating for me. I honestly didn't wanna apologize because it definetly wasn't my fault that I was late but I didn't wanna argue with anyone so I just did it

"It's fine. but we really need to start now" the photographer said and interduced me to my stylist of the day. Céline. She took me to a small backroom where she done my hair and handed me my outfit of Adidas

I got instructed that I will be doing some solo shots first and afterwards some with another model that they invited. She will take her solo shots during my first break

Alright. So I started doing what I love. Posing infront of a camera

15 minutes later we were done with my solo shoots. Not gonna lie, they turned out better than I excpected it

𝐇𝐨𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now