Number Sixteen

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HoYeon: Not famous

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HoYeon: Not famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Couple


"Okay okay I'm sorry for partying too long last night" I apologized to HoYeon who was standing infront of me while I was sitting on our couch.

 "No Y/n that wasn't only last night. That happend about 5 times before! You go out, drink and party and never nver look at your phone for once. You make me sick of worrying!" "Who are you? My mother?" I replied to HoYeon who was exaggerating in my eyes.

 "No I'm your girlfriend and I don't know why it's such an effort for you to take out your phone once while you're in the club and text me "Hey Hoyeon I'm doing finr I'll be home at 5" or something" HoYeon said and srugged her shoulders. I could only role my eyes. 

"Stop exaggerating HoYeon" I answered and leaned back in the couch. "I am so sick of your irresponsibility Y/n!" "Irresposible? Me? Please....Is it really too much to ask for that I can go out for a party once without getting my phone blasted up?!" I raised my voice at HoYeon. I saw in her eyes that that hurt her and I immediately realised that. I stood up and got closer to HoYeon and wanted to grab her hand "HoYeon I'm sorry I shouldn' hav-" 

I got interrupted as I wanted to grab her hand by HoYeon "Don't touch me". After she said that, she turned around and approached the exit. "Where are you going?" "To Chiara! Don't follow or text or call me!" HoYeon said and smashed the door in it's lock behind her.

HoYeon POV:

I knocked at Chiara's door and as she opened it, she put on a big smile "HoYeon! How are you?" As she asked me that, I felt tears coming up in my eyes "I'm fine...I guess" As Chiara saw my eyes tearing up, her smile faded "Oh my god HoYeon what's wrong?" she asked and invited me inside the house. We sat down on the couch and Chiara handed me a tissue. "Thank you" I said as I recieved the tissue. I wiped my tears away and Chiara sat down besides me. 

"Hey...what happend?" she asked me while she stroke my back a bit. "It's...It's Y/n. We had an argument about her partying all weekend and leaving me at home, worrying because she never answeres the phone. And then she says I'm exaggerating but...but I just wanna protect my baby"

 I felt the tears coming back in my eyes. Stronger than last time. Chiara immediately hugged me and I cried on her shoulder. 

As I released the hug, I wiped my tears away once again and listened to what Chiara had to say. "I totally understand you HoYeon and although it might not look like it, Y/n will understand too one day. I know the two of you were raised in different familys. She was basically on her own since she was 15 and maybe that's why she's not used to have someone worrying about her."

I thought about Chiara's words and asked "But why can't she accept that I'm not exaggerating? I'm just worrying"

 "Let me ask you something. Would you, if you were her, alone since 15, understand it if she would text you 12 times a night because she worries?" "I guess not" I answered.

"HoYeon Y/n loves you. Over everything. I think you should focus in her good things. She's loyal, showers you with all her attention and would give up everything for you. HoYeon Y/N would basically die for you. She loves you!" Chiara said and I looked over to her while she said that (PIC) 

"You're right" I started. I stood up and added "Thank you Chiara but I have to go home. I need to talk to Y/N" 

Chiara and I hugged before I left home.


I was still sitting on the couch as I heard the door opening. I immediately jumped off the couch and went to the entrance. "HoYeon I'm so sorry I shouldn't have said those things!" "No Y/N..I'm the one who should be apologizing...I never thought of this situation in your perspective and I'm sorry for saying things like you're irresponsible.." HoYeon said and looked down a bit. 

I  took a deep breath before I answered her "HoYeon?". She looked up again "Hm?" 

I raised her eyebrows and continued "I love you no matter what and you know that right?"

 HoYeon clenched her jaw and nodded. I took HoYeon's face into my hands so she'd look directly in my eyes. "And you know what? Next time, we go party together until the sunrises and goes down again" I smiled and so did HoYeon. 

"I love you" HoYoen said as she placed her hand on mine which was still on her cheeck. "I love you too" I replied and we both shared a passionate kiss.

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