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HoYeon: Famous

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HoYeon: Famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Couple

HoYeon POV: 

It's been 2 months now since Squid Game premiered on Netflix. None of us expected the series to be this big. I never expected that I will be touring around the world to do interviews. 

It's been my first time acting so I'm very honored to recieve all this love and support for me and my role Sae-Byeok. 

The only "bad" part is, I'm gone from home for so long and my girlfriend Y/n is all alone at our home. 

"Alright everyone, we'll start in 10 minutes" I heard the producer lady say through the backstage area while I was just at my phone. 

As the interview started, I relised that it's not a normal interview where you just sit there and answer  questions. It's a live interview where the whole cast and me had to scratch out a figure from a honeycomb. Just like we did in Squid Game.

"I'm so bad at this" I said to the camera and laughed. I didn't even unpacked the honeycomb and the people already wanted to start my time. 

"Wait let me open it first" I said and made everyone laugh again. 

The first question I was asked was "Can you feel the popularity of Squid Game?"

I tried to answer the question while I was carefully trying not to break the honeycomb. "I recieved so much love over a short period of time. So yeah, I can definetly feel it"

 "What was the mood on set like?"

"It felt like everyone put their lives on the line to work on Squid Game. So it was fun but we also knew when we should take things serious again. And everyone wanted to be on set even if he or she haven't has scenes to shoot"

 "Which game in Squid Game are you most confident you could win?" 

I thought about it while I ate a piece of my honeycomb witch broke off the figure. "Red light, green light. I'm a model so I know how to remain still" 

"What did you do when the cameras weren't rolling?"

 As I remembered the time I had on set, I had to smile while I answered "We walked at night after the shoot ended and I remember that I was crying. I talked about how I felt like my acting wasn't good enough but my co-stars listened to me and comforted me. And they encoraged me and cheered me on" 

"HoYeon I can tell you, your acting was amazing" The guy who asked the question replied to me.

"Thank you so much" I said to him, looking up from my honeycomb for short. 

"Who's the most memorable character in the show?"

 I didn't even hesitated to answer "Ji-Yeong of course!"

 "How were you guys when the cameras were off?" The interviewer added. 

"We were great. I feel like w gave each other alot of support. You-Mi is more experienced in acting and she's a great actress. When I talked about my concern in acting, she was always very considerate. Since I trust her, we talked about many things. So I think it all wrapped up nicely. I'm still thankful for her. Actually, I text her several times a day: How's it going? I keep asking her that. We still keep in touch. We actually weren't prepared to recieve this much love and appreciation. So I'm trying not to forget how thankful I am to everyone. Please feel free to watch Squid Game again!" (AN :As if I haven't watched +5 TIMES BY NOW😂)

 "Wow that sounds like you and You-Mi are in very good terms with each other. Isn't your girlfriend Y/n a bit jealous about that?" The interviewer joke asked me.

 I had to laugh abit and answered "No absolutely not. Y/n trusts me and I trust her and I love her more than anything else in the world. I actually interduced her to You-Mi and they are really good with eachother" 

Literally right after I was done talking, I broke my honeycomb.

"Nooooo!" I said and we all had something to laugh. "My hands are shaking" I added while laughing. 

I asked if anyone suceeded. As I heard that no one made it, I had to laugh so bad. "We would be so screwed in real life Squid Game" 

Since I didn't suceed, I had to do a penalty which was to dance without music for 30 seconds.

"I'm down for it" I said excited and stood up. I decided, I'm gonna make my own music. 

I started to dance a Squid Game dance and sang "Red light, green light. Let's play the dalgona game. Let's play tug-of-war. It's the bridge. Should I cross it or not?"

 Then, as the 30 seconds were up, I ended my dance and got another penalty. I should wear a squid mask and say something to someone in the camera. 

I got the mask handed over, put it on and looked straight in the camera. "Well I just wanna say...Y/n, my baby, always remember, I love you so so much. I'm grateful for you, I appreciate you and I'll give you the tightest and biggest hug you ever recieved when I return home" 

As we were done, I got a flower bouquet handed over. I thanked the nice people and dissapeared backstage with the rest of the cast. 

Right as I arrived backstage, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I recieved a text message. "1. I liked your dance. 2. You looked absolutely adorable with that squid mask and 3. I love you too HoYeon.❤" 

The interview was live so Y/n must've seen it on TV or Youtube. 

I smiled and texter her back "Prepare for your hug tomorrow"

AA: Nah, I don't think you understand...I'm obsessed...with that interview on Youtube

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