Number Twenty Four

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HoYeon: Not famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Single


 I'm a real troublemaker here in Seoul since I was 16. I start some fights with gangs, steal from them and do some other sketchy shit. I never thought of the consequences until one day, a guy and his gang started chasing me through whole Seoul for 4 months straight. Luckily, they didn't find out where my house is. So I only needed to be careful when I left my house

I moved out at home also at the age of 16 because I was always a lone wolf and having my own house was a dream. I had to promise my parents that I will apply for jobs if I want them to finance my house. I promised it but promises are made to break right?

Yeah I know that's not true but I just keep telling myself that to make myself feel better for breaking that promise. Anyways after this gang looked for me and chased me for 4 months, they eventually gave up as they didn't find me anymore. I thought it was now over and I was save but I wasn't

I met up with my friend Ma-Vi in Seoul downtown. His first question after we greeted each other was really "And have you applied for a job now?"

He didn't mean it. He was joking around and I answered him scoffing "Yeah of course" sarcastically what made both of us laugh

We walked around in downtown and walked through some shops. We even bought something with the money I stole from the gang and some other people

"Is pickpocketing that easy?" Ma-Vi asked me as we walked down the street. "For a begginer no. For a professinal like me yeah. I mean you need to learn first how to grab what you waant to steal without the person noticing"

To show him that I was a professinal, I walked straight up to a man who was standing infront of a store and I rammed him a bit. He didn't fell over but that was my plan. I just kept walking after ramming him. He turned around and yelled after me "Hey how about an apology?!". I didn't react

As Ma-Vi catched up with me and we were out of sight from the man, I held up his wallet and smirked. "Impressive" Ma-Vi replied wide big eyes. "I know" I said confidently and we kept walking

As we arrived at the subway station, I just wanted to search some money in the wallet I stole. So Ma-Vi and I took a break from walking for short. I looked in the wallet until a "Hey Y/! Long time no see!" made me look up. I saw that it were 3 of the gang members who were chasing me for 4 months

"Shit" I said to myself and quickly pressed all my shopping bags and the wallet at Ma-Vi to hold while I ran away inside the subway station as fast as I could

I ran and ran and they were following me through the whole subway station. I moved some people out of my way because the gang members were about to catch up with me.

𝐇𝐨𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now