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HoYeon: Not Famous

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HoYeon: Not Famous

You: Not Famous

Relationship: Single


It's summer, about 28 degree celsius which means the sun is shining down on the asphalt without a single, small cloud blocking her and I'm standing here, only protected with a slight ammount of sunscreen with my heavy suitcase in my hand and my slightly overpacked backpack on my back.


Well, today's the first day of my class's one week trip to Busan!

This means beach, shopping sprees in the city center and alot of gossiping with my friends when we're actually supposed to be sleeping.

Normally, I would complain over this heat until my vochalchords would hurt but since I'm here for such a joyful reason, I'll let it slide.

I'm sitting halways on my full suitcase while keeping my one hand in the pocket of my pants while the other is holding my phone up on which's display is showing me my Instagram discovery page at the moment.

As I am, I quickly got lost in some Edits until I heard the familiar voice of my best friend greeting me.

„Ayo Y/N, how are you today?" Yoongi smiles at me as he approaches me with open arms and a beaming aura.

„Could I be anything else than great? I mean, it's the beginning of one week of freedom!" I hug thus white-haired boy tightly.

Min Yoongi and me are basically inseperable since the first year of highschool when we got sorted into the same class and were seatmates in 5 out of our 6 classes.

Normally, I keep my friend circle and company rather filled with people of the female gender cause I am probably the gayest person in the whole school and probably in the world but Yoongi is that kind of friend everyone wants and needs.

He may seems like either a crackhead or a cold savage, changes on a daily base, but on the inside, he really cares about the people he loves and is always there for them when they need him.

„Well, freedom is not the way I'd call this whole thing here" Yoongi didn't quiete share my excitement about the upcoming week. „I mean, yeah, Busan has alot of fun oppertunitys and I heard the complex we're gonna stay is awesome but...after all, our teacher will still be there..."

„So what?" I pulled up my shoulders, my excited smile not fading even a bit. „He's probably gonna sit in the restaurant all day and drink coffee or tea. And after all, no one said that we would actually be sleeping when 'Sleepingtime' breaks on"

𝐇𝐨𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now