Number Twenty Five

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HoYeon: Not famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Couple


 "Get out of here and don't ever come back!" my boss said to me as he literally threw me out of the store where I was working

As I stood up from the cold, hard pavement I answered him while I looked straight in his face "Whatever man, I didn't like working for someone like you anyways!". I turned around and left home angry. I got fired because a customer started an argument with my about a product that was "defect". It was perfectly fine but the customer insited that he gets a refund and since there was absolutely nothing wrong with the product, I started to argument. Yeah, my boss didn't like that very much and since he always hated me, it was a perfect reason for him to fire me. I don't know why he hired me in the first place

I acted like I didn't care that I got fired but inside of me I knew that this was very bad since this was my girlfriend's and my only income. My girlfriend HoYeon is in her first year of studying at the Seoul national university. What means she doensn't gain any money

As I was walking home, I thought about all the things that will be a problem now. We need to pay the rent, we need to pay the bills, we need to buy food and drinks and many more stuff 

"Shit" I said quietly to myself.

HoYeon POV:

I was sitting in the last lesson of my english language and literature study. I was resting one ellbow on my table and my head in it but I was listen closely to what my teacher says and I did some notes

20 minutes later, everyone packed their stuff together and we could leave in the evening. It was 5Pm and my bus would be here in 10 minutes

I was talking to my friend Am-Li and walked with him to the busstop

As the bus arrived, we sat down besides each other

"So how was your economics class today?" I asked Am-Li. "It was alright. Sometimes it gets really boring but then out of nowhere it gets really, really interesting. How was your class?" "It was good. I learned so mayn new things about the english literature" I said excited

Unfortunately, the university is quiet a ride from my home away. I need to ride the bus for whole 52 minutes. Am-Li could leave the bus after 20 since he lives closer to the university than me. The 30 minutes that I had ahead of me, I spent with another friend of mine in the bus

As I finally arrived at home, I unlocked the door and put my jacket on the clothing rack. I just wanted to go upstairs to put my backpack down besides the desk in Y/n and my bedroom but as I entered the bedroom, I saw Y/n sitting on the bed cross legged. She looked like she's concerned about something. I was surprised to see her since it's 6:10Pm and her shift ends at 6:30PM

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