Number Thirty Three

277 15 6

HoYeon: Famous

You: Famous

Relationship: Single

HoYeon POV: 

"And if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't even by alive anymore!"

"Okay cut!" I heard director Hwang call after my co-star Y/N Y/L/N said the last line of the scene. We're currently in the Dajeon studios to shoot the series Squid Game

"Okay great work for the day guys!" director Hwang added as he clapped his hands once

"Hey you did great!" Yoo-Mi said who suddenly jumped up next to me. "Thank you. You know it means alot to me...hearing that from your mouth. I mean you're such an experienced actress"

"Ah HoYeon you're too sweet" she answered and smiled

"Should we grab a drink somewhere out in town?" Yoo-Mi proposed. "Sure" I said, smiled and You-Mi and me locked our arms and walked to our garedrobes

I changed out of this green tranier into my daily clothes. I looked at my phone and it was already 8:30 PM. I feel like everyone puts their live into this series, that's why it's so fun to shoot

As I came out of the garderobe, I almost bumped into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry HoYeon" I heard someone apologize. As I looked up, I saw that it was my co-star and friend Y/N. "Don't worry about it." I gave back with a smile

"I really loved your performance in the scene with me. You're a natural" Y/n complimented me. "Aww thank you. But you're the star of the two of us" I gave back

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I just had a couple of roles" she tried to be humble. "A coupIe of roles? You played a main role in Train to Busan a year ago and you're only 19" (Let's imagine Train to Busan isn't a movie that came out in 2016)

Y/n smiled a bit and scractched the back of her head. "'re great...see you tomorrow" she said before she turned around and left to her garderobe and I watched her leave

I met You-Mi infront of the entrance. We went into the bar by foot since all of us have a house here in Dajeon while we shoot the scenes we need here. And everything is reachable in a good time by foot

We went to the thursday party Dajeon bar and ordered us some Mojitos (🥺🥺)

"But seriously...for that that its' your first time acting, you do very well" You-Mi complimented me. "Ah thank you. This motivates me alot You-Mi" I gave back with a smile

Afterwards we nudged and took the first sip of our Mojitos

"I find it truely amazing starring in a serie and working with so many great actors like you, Jung-Jae or Y/N" I said

"HoYeon you will be loved by all of the watchers of Squid Game. I guarantee you that" You-Mi said. "But you too. I mean you sacraficed yourself for me. The watchers will all swim in a lake of their own tears" I answered what made You-Mi and me chuckle

We left the bar 2 hous later and went to our houses here in Dajeon

At around 10:30PM I was about to go to sleep as suddenly the "Squid Game🐙" group chat exploded. I laid into my bed and unlocked my phone.

Anupam#199: You know what guys...let's order pizza for lunch tomorrow on set!

Hae-Soo: You're thinking about food now?

HoYeon: Who doesn't think about food 24/7?

Hae-Soo: Me?

Y/N💚: Oh shut up backstabber Sang-Woo ;)

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