Number Twenty One

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HoYeon: Not famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Couple

HoYeon POV: 

"Alright. Imma go showering now" I said to Y/n who was laying on the couch while I stood beside the couch. "Okay" she responded, not breaking her view from the television. I went upstairs and turned the warm water of our shower on and started to enjoy a warm, relaxing shower. I usually take about 10-15 minutes under the shower but today, I really enjoyed the warm water so it took me 20 minutes to finish.

 I got out of the shower and dried my body. I usually put my hair in a towel when I'm all dressed so I grabbed my fresh clothes which I brough in the bathroom with me before I stepped out of the shower and put them on. 

As I had my pants and my bra on, I looked into the mirror and suddenly had an idea. I raised my one eyebrow at my own reflexion in the mirror and started my idea.


I was still laying on the couch in the livingroom, watching a TV show as I heard HoYeon yell from upstairs "Y/N?"

 "Yeah?" I answered and paused my show and tilted my head towards the stairs. "Could you come up here real quick please?".

 I was wondering what HoYeon needs from me. It sounds like she's still in the bathroom but the shower isn't running anymore. "Sure" I answered and made my way up the stairs. 

As I arrived upstairs, I opened the bathroom door and immediately fell with my back against the left side of the doorframe and said while I looked a bit up at the other side of the doorframe "Oh my god HoYeon are you trying to kill me on purpose or what's your plan girl?" because I got literally slammed back by how good she looked posing in our shower with her bra and pants on and her wet hair (Picture(Let's just imagine that the blue paint on HoYeon isn't there))

 HoYeon giggeled and stepped out of the shower and came up to me who still had a hard time catching her breath because of how good HoYeon looks. "My plan worked. I wanted to starstruck you" HoYeon said.

 "Well that definetly worked" I replied still leaining on the doorframe with my back and head.

 "You exactly know that wet hair is one of my weaknesses" I added. "Yes I obviously exactly know" HoYeon answered me and smirked a bit. 

After I catched my breath again, I turned my body towards HoYeon. She took both of my hands and said "You're so cute when you can't catch your breath". I just shaked my head a bit and smiled before giving HoYeon a short kiss on the lips. 

As I released my lips, our faces remained only inches apart and we looked into each others eyes. We could feel each others breathing on our lips and second in none, my hand was on HoYeon's neck and hers was on my cheeck and we kissed again. This time longer and more passionate.

 After some time of kissing, I released my lips from HoYeon's but my hand remained on her neck and she removed her hand from my cheeck. I looked at her for a couple  more moments before I made some steps backwards and let my hand slide off her neck. I turned around and wanted to leave the bathroom as I heard HoYeon say to tease me "Guess I'm gonna blow dry my hair now" "No don't do that!" I replied and only turned my head a bit but kept walking out of the room. I exactly knew that HoYeon wont blow dry her hair. She never does that.

 I placed myself on the couch again and after a while, HoYeon came donw in a red crop top hoodie and a black tight jogging pants. Her hair was still wet but now tied up in a messy bun. As I heard her coming downstairs, I turned my head to the right to look at her and I had to hold my jaw so he wouldn't drop. 

"Wet hair and a messy bun? She's definetly trying to kill me" I thought as I couldn't take my eyes off of HoYoen. 

"Do you like my hair?" HoYeon asked with a teasing smile because she knew the answer on that. She was probably proud that she has me starstrucked again.

 "Marry me" I said lost on HoYeon. HoYeon and I talked about the topic marriage before and we agreed that we weren't in a rush so HoYeon understood that it was just a saying and not a real proposal from me. She chuckeeled a bit and said as she sat down next to me "In my mind, you're already my wife"

 I smiled and wrapped my one arm around HoYeon's waist while HoYeon pulled her arms into the sleeves of her pullover.

HoYeon POV:

I was sitting there while Y/n as laying with her arm around my waist for quiet a time. We watched a movie together and although it slowly got dark outside, we didn't turn on the lights. We just enjoyed the calm darkness and each others presence.

 As it got late, Y/N and I went upstairs in our bedroom. I changed myself quickly in an oversized t-shirt and another jogging pants while Y/n was wearing a longsleeve and some basketball shorts to sleep.

 As we were both laying there on our sides of the bed, I tucked Y/n in by pulling her closer to me and we intertwined our legs under the blanket. My arms were wrapped around her and her head was resting by my decoltee. With one hand I was strooking through Y/N's hair and said "Sleep well my love" "If I'm gonna sleep in like this, I only can sleep well" I heard Y/n reply tired what made me smile.

 Y/n wrapped one arm aorund my upper body under the blanket and said "Good night HoYeon" 

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