Number Thirteen

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HoYeon: Famous

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HoYeon: Famous

You: Famous

Relationship: Couple


Since Squid Game got so popular, HoYeon, I and the rest of the cast tours around the world for interviews.

Jung-Jae, Ha-Jun, Hae-Soo, You-Mi, HoYeon, Sung-Tae, Anupam and I just arrived at the adress the show gave us. We're invited for an interview.

As we were all standing infront of the buliding, a nice looking man came outside and welcomed us. "Hello! I see you found the adress"

"Barely" Jung-Jae joked around and everyone laughed a bit.

"Please come in" the man invited us inside.

He showed us around and interduced himself as Karl. "And this are our two interviewers Nina and Ilias"

"It's so nice to meet you all" Nina said while shaking everyone's hand.

We all said hello to Nina and also to Ilias.

"Ilias and Nina will instruct you for thr upcoming interview" Karl said and left us with a smile.

"So, Nina and I were thinking that we interview you in pairs to ask different questions. Would that be okay for you?" Ilias asked us nicely. We all looked at each other and agreed.

"Great. We would like to have Anupam and Hae-Soo first, then Jung-Jae and Sung-Tae, followed by Ha-Jun and You-Mi and Y/n and HoYeon as the last. You know as a couple we wanna have you being interviewed together"

HoYeon and I looked at eachother and laughed a bit.

Since Hae-Soo and Anupam were the first one, the others could wait in a room with a comfortable couch, some drinks and snacks. We also had a TV where we could watch the interview. It was a interview with live audience and it was live on TV.

"Anupam did you ever get your marbles back?" Anupam got asked and Hae-Soo and Anupam laughed.

"Well actually yes, Hae-Soo gave me a birthday present. He got me a bag of marbles"

Everyone backstage also laughed a bit.

As Jung-Jae and Sung-Tae were getting interviewed, Ilias asked "Now Jung-Jae, your role Gi-Hun almost gets into a fight with Sung-Tae's charakter Deok-Su because he was pushing him away from Sae-Byeok. Would you actually push a man like him in real life as Jung-Jae?"

Jung-Jae laughed a bit. "I wouldn't say I'm the weakest but I would try to avoid fighting"

„But you got muscles, look at you" Sung-Tae added and squeezed Jung-Jae's biceps a bit what made everyone laugh again.

𝐇𝐨𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now