Number Twenty Three

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HoYeon: Not famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Single


"No...why does this have to be.." I thought as I heard my ringer ringing to wake me up for the first day of school after summerbreak. I absolutely hate school. I can't remember a time when I loved school

I shut down my ringer and just starred at it while I was laying on my stomach. 6:30AM. I sighted and let my face fall into my pillow

I somehow managed it to stand up and make my way into the bathroom. The first thing I usually do in the bathroom is taking a shoer. I hopped under the shower and put on the warm water. I washed my hair and my body and never wanted to leave the warm relaxing shower ever again. But I really can't afford to miss school because I am a real troublemaker and the principal said if I ever cause trouble again, it doens't matter in what way, I'm gonna get kicked out of school. Although I hate school, I don't wanna get kicked out because with a suspension in your file, it's hard to find a job. And I need a job since I live without my parents since a year. Yeah I moved out at the age of 17 because my parents annoyed me. I live in a small apartment in Seoul and go to the Seoul higschool

After the shower, I went over to my room and grabbed my favorite hoodie and some black jeans and put them on. Afterwards, I went to brush my teeth and blow dry my hair. I never eat breakfast since I barely have time in the morning. I grabbed my packed backpack and left the house to the bus stop

I waited for the bus with my headphones in my ears. It was kinda cold outside so I hoped that the bus would soon come

6 minutes later, I stepped into the bus and let myself fall down on the seat in the last row. It was kinda loud in the bus so I just turned my msuic up and let my head fall back and closed my eyes

15 minutes later, my bus stopped at the bus stop from my school. As I got out and the bus continued driving, I looked at my school in annoyment

I sighted one last time before I crossed the road and entered the school area. Luckily, LUCKILY we don't have to wear uniforms

There was still some time left before school was starting so I sat down on some stairs and wasn't planning to unplug my headphones. I was just doing something on my phone as I heard through my headphones my history teacher Mr. Kim say "No phones and headphones allowed on the school area Y/N"

"Sorry" I said sarcastic without even looking at him. I just unplugged my headphones and removed my phone in my backpack. Now I just sat there on those stairs and looked over the school area. Although I haven't got a single friend here, almost everyone admires me. I'm the popular kid in school but although I love the attention, I'm not wanting a friend. I don't want any because soon as I'm done with my schooltime here, I'm taking the first bus and drive one and a half hour to Ansan. I just need to get away from Seoul

𝐇𝐨𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now