Number Nine

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HoYeon: Famous

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HoYeon: Famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Couple


HoYeon asked me to help her with a video for her Instagram and how could I say no to her. I agreed and her and I prepared everything.

 I grabbed our white plane from our closet as a background and HoYeon was preparing her make-up and outfit. 

I was just attaching the plane to the wall as HoYeon entered the room. 

As I looked at her, I saw how beautiful she looked right now. "You look beautiful babe" I said to her and turned my head back to the wall where I was attaching the background. 

"Thank you babe" She answered and smiled. 

I was standing on a chair since I was to small to attach the plane. As I came down, I said "Well...I'm ready when you are"

HoYeon pressed her phone in my hand and explained how I should record. "Well, you film me, we bend down on our knees and you just film me from the front. That's all. The rest is all my part"

"Alright" I answered her.

 HoYeon and I went down on our kneees and I started recording.  "3..2..1.." I just held the cam still and admired my girlfriend doing her thing.

 As I looked down for  a second, I saw HoYeon's hand which she placed on one knee. Well to be exact, she placed the wrist on her knee. Her hand was hanging off her knee. 

As I saw her veins on her hand, I died inside. Veins on hands are one of my weaknesses. I completely lost myself. I didn't even realise that I lovered the phone and recorded HoYeon's veins.

 I got pulled out of my thoughs as HoYeon lifted the phone again (GIF) and said "Would you please film me and no my veins?" 

I looked at HoYeon who was sligthly smiling and answered "Sorry. I got distracted"

"I know you did" HoYeon replied and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

 "Let's just finish this...You can look at my hands afterwards" HoYeon and I had to laugh a bit but we finished the video and it turned out great.

𝐇𝐨𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now