Number Thirty Eight

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I apologize for the mousecurser in that screenshot....🤦‍♀️

You: Not famous

HoYeon: Not famous

Relationship: Split-Up

Disclaimer: In all of my imagines HoYeon and you are about 19 years old


Out of all the things I thought could happen, I never thought I'd wake up in a bright room with hundreds of beds after I got into that van that should drive me to the place where I could play games to win money

My head was humming and everything was still blurry as I opened my heavy eyes and sat up in a bed which was certainly not my bed at home. Through the blur I could only see this bright room and alot 

As my vision got clearer, I could realise that I was not the only person in here. I don't exactly know how many people were in here but certainly over 300. Everyone was wearing the same outfit. This green tracksuit. The only difference between the people were the numbers on the tracksuit

I quickly looked down at myself. 018. 

3rd Person POV: 

Y/n threw the thin blanket off of her legs and got up, still curious where she was. She made her way through the dozen of beds to the middle of the room. This seemed strange. All she wanted was to earn a bit of money so she wouldn't have to work at that crappy gas station anymore 7 days a week

Suddenly, before Y/n had a proper chanche to talk to anybody about 6 red dressed people came in. They were all wearing a mask. On five of the people's mask were a circle and the one who was standing in the middle was wearing a square one

All eyes were on them as they started to explain that all of us 456 players are here because we either have no money or are in deep debts

This made Y/N remember how she got here in the first place. Getting slapped by some bussinessman after every round of Ddakji she lost. As she finally won one round, he handed her 100'000 Won and a card with a phone number on it. He told her if she'd play more games she could win alot of money. So she called, got picked up by a van at midnight she's here

He explained that they'll be here for 6 days and on each day there will be one game played. And after every game the jackpot of in total 456'000'000'000 Won should get filled up. The men or women who makes it through all 6 games would win. But it would give only one winner.

Y/N POV:  

They led us to the first game after we all had to sign some sort of acceptance paper? Okay there were only three rules on it. Players who refuse to play will be disqualified, player's can't just drop out of the game whenever they want and if the majority wants to end the games, the games will be ended

𝐇𝐨𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now