Number Thirty One pt.2

202 12 3

Song: Criminal - By Britney Spears

HoYeon: Not famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Couple but kinda split up?

Disclaimer: For the first time in this book, I'm writing a part two for an imagine. Since one if my loyal readers joked around about sueing me I thought why not....So enjoy🤣

HoYeon POV:

So here I am now. Standing infront of the state prison with tears in my eyes and all over my face. Y/N just broke up with me but I...I'm not giving up on her. When you love someone it's not an option for you to give up on someone just because they're gone. I don't care that I have to wait 25 years. I will wait for Y/N! She'll see

I wiped my tears away with the sleeve of my hoodie as my view remained on the state prison. „I'll be back Y/N" was my last thought before I turned around and left heartbroken that Y/N has to stay in that place.


The guard brought to my cell. Damn I'm half a day here and it's already awful

Ah Shibal" I thought as I scrunched my face. At least the clothes are comfy. A basic shirt and some jogging pants in grey. The orange overall was just for the courtroom

I had cell 187

Trust me, I wasn't really excited to meet my cellmates. I just wanna be alone right actually I wan't to be with HoYeon but I don't think that's possible anymore

Whatever" I thought as I rolled my eyes before the cell door went open

I was never in my cell before because HoYeon arrived at the jail as soon as I came in. And that's when I talked to her so how could I go in the cell?

„Welcome in your cell Y/L/N" the guard said and as soon as I looked up I saw 2 other women looking at me. One was taller than me and the other was about the same height as me

„Interduce" the guard demanded

„Y/N" I said unmotivated. The one that was the same height as me answered „Na-Yeon". The taller woman tho stayed quiet

„Interduce!" the guard once more said

„I don't want to" she gave back with crossed arms

„It's not about what you want Sue!" he said serious back and called her by her last name

She rolled her eyes and said „Wi-Ja"

The guard nodded and looked at me to signalize me to go inside now since it's almost sleeping time. I went in and heard the door getting locked behind me

I went straight to my bed because I really wasn't in the mood to talk to any of these women standing in here with me. My bed was a bunk bed and I had the bed on top. I climbed up and laid down and just wanted to turn around until I heard Wi-Ja say „Hey newbie."

I looked at her and she immediately showed me „Who's the boss in here"

„There are a few rules here. You don't touch my stuff, you don't bother me and day or night and you don't disobey me. Clear?"

I literally just let her finish and then just turned around without saying something

„Prick" I heard Wi-Ja say and walk over to her bed. The lights went out and I had a hard time falling asleep

HoYeon POV:

2:39AM my clock showed. What wasI doing at such a time in the middle of the night? I was crying. Alot. I was missing Y/N's touch and I couldn't take the thought that's she's in a place like prison

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