Number Seven

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HoYeon: Not famous

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HoYeon: Not famous

You: Not famous

Y/N's Relationship: Single


School's finally out for the day. I walked around in school with my friend Hyung, ready to leave home and talked about various stuff. For example if we should go to the movies after school or what we should eat for dinner, If he's coming to soccer practise tomorrow and so on.

On our way to the exit of the school, we met Nino. Hyung and I both don't like him since he's the one who always picks on students. Including us.

"Heyy boys" Nino said and I sighted because I just thought "What does he have say today?" 

Hyung and I stopped for a second and Hyung asked "What?" annoyed. 

"Why so annoyed Hyungie. I'm just here to talk" 

"Don't call me Hyungie and second, you only talk shit so be fast so we can all leave home" Hyung continued what made me chuckle a bit but I tried to hold it back a bit what didn't really work out. 

Nino looked over at me and came closer. "What's so funny bitch?" 

I was usd that Nino called me that and to be honest I didn't even bother. I just shook my head but my smirk didn't fade a bit. 

"You think you're so cool huh?" Nino asked me and stepped even closer to me.

"At least I'm tougher than you you pussy" I finally answered and Nino was jus about to punch me as we heard laughters from behind us. 

As we turned around, we saw HoYeon and some girl I've never seen before sitting on the stairs and laughing about something they talked about. 

"Who's she? I've never seen her before" I thought as I saw the girl sitting next to HoYeon. 

Hyung knows that I have a huge crush on HoYeon and somehow Nino figured it out some time ago but surprisingly he never picked on me for it. 

Until now. 

He looked past me at the two of them and smirked. "Looks like your girl has no interest in you anymore" 

I didn't even look at him anymore, I just looked at HoYeon and the other girl. 

I just felt and heard Hyung say and pushing Nino away. "Okay that's enough go home or wherever you're needed"

You're probably wondering now why Nino said "anymore" in his provokation. 

Well normally HoYeon and I are spending alot of time together. As friends. In school, in public or at her or my home.

I clenched my jaw as I saw the two of them laughing and getting touchy and close to each other while they were laughing (GIF)

"I'm sure it doesn't mean anything" Hyung tried to comfort me.

 As I looked at him, he probably saw my jealousy in my face. "I think we should go home now..." He said, puts an arm around me and took me outside the school.

At home, I texted with Hyung

H: Don't think to much about it. Maybe you're stressing yourself out for nothing

Y: It didn't seem like nothing Hyung!

H: You don't know that. I bet there is nothing going on

Y: I just want her all to myself...

H: I know Y/N and I feel so bad for you and I wish I could help you

I slowly started to get angry and frustrated so I decided to do that:

Y: You know what. I'll text her!

H: Are you sure that's a good idea?

I completely ignored Hyungs last message and went over to HoYeon and my chat. I was so frustrated, angry, sad, jealous that I came straight to the point.

Y: Who's she?

Ho: Hey Y/N. What do you mean? Who?

Y: That one girl who was sitting beside you on the stairs today after school. Who's she HoYeon??

Ho: Relax Y/N she's just a friend

Y: Yeah sure "just a friend". Like me or what?!

Ho: Y/n what are you saying?

Y: I know we're supposed to be just friends but what if I wanna be more than just friends? I like you HoYeon. I really do and if you're trying to break my heart, it's working cause you exactly know now that that should be me!

Ho: Y/N...I had no idea, I swear but I promise Ji-Yeong is my long term friend who just transfered here. I know her since fourth grade and to make things cristal clear, she has a boyfriend since 3 years..."

Y: Shit I'm so sorry HoYeon I honestly don't kow what to say anymore

Ho: I think you said everything you had to say

That was HoYeon's last message before she went offline. I thought she was now mad as hell on me and will never talk to me again. I felt one tear coming out of my left eye and I threw my phone away on my bed. 

About half an hour passed and I tried not to cry my eyes out but all I could think about was "HoYeon hates me now. I lost her. I'll never get her back. I messed up"

Somehow I managed t not to cry too much.

 As I was just sitting on my bed cross legged, I heard the doorbell ring. I wondered who that could be since it's 9pm and already dark outside. 

I walked downstais to open the door and as I opened it, I suddenly tried to wipe away the tears in my eyes.

"Oh HoYeon what...- what are you here for?" I asked, pretending I wasn't crying and I'm doing fine as if I never said what I said to her. 

"You" She answered as she stepped into my house and started to close the door behind her. 

"Ah shit" I said and laid my hand on my forehead for short beofre removing it again. "Listen if you're mad at me now, you'd have evry rig-" 

I got interrupted by HoYeon who turned around after she closed the door completely, took my face in her hands and kissed me.

 First, I couldn't gave in to the kiss because I was literally overwhelmed and I didn't even realise what just happend. The only thing I could do was closing my eyes. 

As HoYeon released the kiss,  she kept my face in her hands and traced over my cheeck with her thumbs.

"You..." I started and HoYeon continued my sentence. "Yes Y/N, I like you too. For quiet a time now..." 

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her. 

"Like it's that easy...I thought what if you don't like me back or just like me as a friend. But everytime we spent time together, I just wanted to kiss you and hug you but I never had the courage to tell you how I really feel" 

I didn't answer to that with words. Instead, I kissed HoYeon again. This time, I gave in in the kiss and so did HoYeon. 

After we released the kiss, her hands still on my cheeks, I grabbed her wrists, smiled and said "You're cute when you're nervous" what made HoYeon blush and smile.

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