Number Thirty Seven

240 14 0

Song: Where are U now - By Justin Bieber

HoYeon: Not famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Single


People always aid they love my positive energy. They always said that my smile lights up the room. And the sparn in my eyes were undescribable. Well I not only lost that energy, I also lost my smile and the spark in my eyes since...since she left me alone. But from the top. In highschool, I met this girl called HoYeon. HoYeon Jung. She was tall, had brown eyes, freckles and shoulderlong black hair. She was the kindest person I've ever met. From the day I first saw her she was my light, my moon, my everything. Her and I became friends. Good friends. in school we were a package deal. Out of school we always hung out, went to the movies, to the amusement park and so on. One day when we went to the Namsan, we both realised that it's time for us to confess our true, hidden feelings for each other. I told her I like her. She told me she likes me and we kissed. Our first kiss. if I only would've known that this would also be our last one. The next day in school, I was wondering why HoYeon didn't show up. She didn't even text me or anything. I had to hear from a teacher that she swapped schools and even traveled abroad with her family over night. To freaking Beijing. She didn't say one word about that to me. Ever! I tried to text and call her but I guess she changed her number. Until today, I don't know why she left or how she's doing. When HoYeon left me, I lost my everything. I not only lost her, I also lost myself. HoYeon made me so happy. No one else could make me feel that way. And the fact that she just took off without telling me hurt me really bad. HoYeon did everything for me and I did everything for her

For example when HoYeon had big panic of an upcoming final test. I texted with her the whole night and helped her studying. It's like I gave her the key when the door wasn't open. I gave her faith and I turned her doubt into hoping. She couldn't deny that

Or that one night when we went iceskating...she told me she was cold so I gave her my jacket to keep her warm. She cuddeled herself into my jacket which she probably kept till nowadays

I gave her attention when nobody else was paying. She had some pretty bad friend who would just leave her whenever she felt sad or low. But not me. I gave her attention and listend to her and her problems. I comforted her

And I was on my knees while other weren't praying for her when she had that horrible car accident a year ago. She ended up in the hospital and it was very critical. I lost so much sleep in that time when I was at home. Well most time I was in the hospital with HoYeon

But doens't really matter..I will probably never hear anything from HoYeon again...or do I?

I was literally sitting on my bed, letting my head hang and ran through my hair. It's been a while since HoYeon left. A long while. A very long while but I'm still thinking about her every day and every night. I miss her. I miss my HoYeon

As if it was telepathy I recieved a message on my phone right then. First I thought it was one of my friends who were tryna convince me to go out and have fun since I'm always so down but no. It was an unknown number. I thought it was some sort of scammer because the number wasn't korean. So I looked up the first two numbers of the number. +86

"+86? That's the first two numbers no it can't be" I thought and immediately opened the message.

+86 78 380 22 63: I honestly don't know how I should start this message because there's so much I want and need to say to you. I think you've gone through alot since...since I'm gone. I wanted to let you know that I'm terribly sorry for what I've done. I know that doesn't make my actions apologized or better and I'm not expecting that you'll ever forgive me. I just wanted you to let you know that there wasn't a day I wasn't thinking about you from 591 miles away. 

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