Number Seventeen

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HoYeon: Not famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Single

HoYeon POV:

Since I'm in this school, I'm stuck with the same "friend" group. I don't even know how I ended up with those people. There are 4 guys and me. The boys name's are Mika, Billy, Baden and Vinicus. 

Today was project day in school. It's an annual day where all students have a day to  do a science project.

 All students of my class had to gather in the science room and wait for the teacher. I was leaning at the wall besides Vinicus. I had my hands in the front pocket of my jacket. I was quite annoyed because I don't like these boys. As I said I don't know why I hang around with them. They barely care about me and so do I. 

"Alright class listen up" Our science teacher Mr. Calford said as he enetred the room. We all stopped talking and gave our attention to him. "You all know the drill. Find a partner and do a little science project till the end of the day. Go on partner up and when you found a partner, come up to me so I can write you up" 

The boys and I now stood in a circle and Bily really tried to act like he actually cares. "We're 5. That's an uneven number. One of us can't team up with another of us." "As if you care" I thought while Mika asked "So who's it gonna be?" The boy really started to discuss who should search another partner. As I listened to them discussing, I decided to speak up.  "Stop that bullshit". All of the guys looked at me and Billy asked "What do you mean?" "Be honest. None of you wants to team up with a girl" I answered (PIC). 

Not really surprising, all of them got quiet and just looked at the ground and each other. 

"But I do" someone suddenly said from behind me. The boys looked at the person behind me and I turned around to see who it was. It was my classmate Y/N. We talked a couple of times but only about school stuff. For exapmle homework or what the next test is about. 

As I looked at Y/N I heard that the boys all walked away. "Why would I tem up with you?" I asked her and looked at her. "I think we make a good team" 

I thought about it for a moment but as Y/N reached her hand out I decided I'd team up with her. I accepted her hand and stood in line to tell the teacher that her and I were a team.


 As HoYeon and I were finally in the front of the line, I said to the teacher. Y/N Y/L/N and HoYeon Jung. HoYeon just stood behind me with the hands in her front pocket. "Alright..." our teacher said as he wrotes us up. We left the line and sat on a table and talked about what kind of project we should do.

𝐇𝐨𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now