Number Thirty One

286 13 6

Song: Criminal - By Britney Spears

You: Not famous

HoYeon: Not famous

Relationship: Couple

HoYeon POV:

Me and my girlfriend Y/n have been dating since 3 years now

When I met her, I had no idea who she really is. Still I fell in love with her

When she told me the truth about her, that she's a criminal, I was a bit shooked at first but that didn't make my love for her go any less. Even Y/n probably thought that I'm gonna leave her now but I didn't. I stayed and I will always stay. No matter what happenes

Let's just say, Y/n isn't just a small pocket thief. She's searched all over town. Every cop in town is looking for her. Don't worry, she's not a murderer but she steals from banks and people and even threatens them with knifes but she promised me, she woould never take anyones life

You probably think now that Y/n and I live in some sort of hideaway but no. We live in a fancy house but since we broke in, no one knows that we live here

Even I know this ain't smart. Dating a criminal? But what can I say... I love her

"Babe I'm home!" I called through the house as I returned from the grocery market. "About time, I've waited so long for you" Y/N replied as she came around the corner to hug me after I put the bags down. "I was gone for 20 minutes Y/N?" I replied as I replied the hug. "That's still too long" Y/n replied

"For the tough criminal you are, you're a pretty big softie" I teased Y/n as we released the hug. Y/n shrugged her shoulders and smiled

I went into the kitchen with the grocery bags to put the food and the drink where they belong.


You probably ask yourself by now, how in the world I became a criminal. Let me tell you. At the age of 17, I was doing really good in highschool. But it was never enough for my mom. She wanted me to go Seoul national uiversity. I was a good student bit not SNU good

Once the last highschool year ended and I didn't got acepted at SNU, my mom said things like "You're a dissapointment to the whole family" "Why can't you be like your sister?" "This is exactly why our dad left us"

She always compared me to my sister Nim-ji because she was a straight A student and studied medics and is now a doctor

My mom said she wouldn't finance me anymore so I did the only thing I could think of since I applied for jobs but didn't get accepted. Please don't ask me why because I don't know myself. So I started pickpocketing people. I stole their cash, their wallets, their watches and selled everything that seemed worth somethig. For examples the watches. I got only caught one time. I got arrested but got away with a stamp in my file. As my mother heard of that, she immediately kicked me out of the house. All at the age of 17

But being a criminal made me feel alive when I lived in a broken down appartment in dowtown. When I stole, I felt so good and mighty that I never stopped. I even started to threaten people with my pocket knife and I even robbed 2 or 3 banks by this time. Ironically, by pickpocketing people I also met HoYeon

I was leaning against a wall in the subway and looked around for my next target. As I looked around, I saw this girl with shoulder long black hair from behind. She was doing something on her phone so she was distracted. That would've been the perfect oppertunity for me. So I approached her but in the middle of the way, she turned around

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