Number Twenty Nine

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You: Not famous

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You: Not famous

HoYeon: Not famous

Relationship: Single


"Out of my way" I said as I pushed another student out of my way infront of the school. I met up with my friends infront of our highschool. Their names are Ni-Lo, Cheong-A, Jung-Lee & Ha-Vi

We had about 10 mintes left before the school would start so we smoked a cigarette. Normally, smoking isn't permitted on the school area but do we look like we care?

We threw our finished smoked cigarette on the ground and entered the school building. Let's just say all of the other students are scared of my friends and me. As they should. We entered our classroom and sat down in the last row. 5 minutes later, our teacher Mrs. Jang antered the room with a nice "Good morning"

During the lesson, I wasn't really paying attention. I was drawing and from time to time, I threw some crumbeled paper on other students

As the lesson was finally over, my friends and I went to Jung-Lee's locker. We stood there and talked until a girl that passed by catched my eyes

"What is it Y/N?" Ni-Lo asked as he saw that I wasn't paying attention to my friends anymore. "It's HoYeon" I said, not taking my eyes off of her. "What is it with you and her? Aren't you to like enemies?" Ni-Lo questioned

As HoYeon was out of my sight, I looked at Ni-Lo just to answer him "Yeah". Then, the bell rang and we had now english

As my friends and me walked into the classroom, I only could say "You gotta be kidding me". HoYeon was talking to some friends of hers while she sat on my desk. I approached her and my friends behind me exactly knew what was about to go down . They didn't follow me. They just remained standing in th entrance and watched me approach HoYeon

"You're sitting on my desk" I said serious. HoYeon turned around, looked at me and answered "So what?" before she turned back around again. "I think you don't quet understand. You're sitting on my desk" I repeated and slightly pushed her by her shoulder. I heard HoYeon scoff a bit. She stood up and we stood face to face. "You think you're the boss here huh Y/N?" HoYeon said. I heard my friends from the entrance say "Uhhh". I also scoffed and said "I would be careful what you're saying" "Or what?" HoYeon gave back

There was a moment where HoYeon and I just starred into each others eyes, mad on the opposite. I heard my friends say things like "The next thing they're gonna do is kiss. Is HoYeon Y/n's type?"

"What's going on here?" we suddenly heard our english teacher Mrs. Nam say as she entered the room. "Nothing Mrs. Nam...Absolutely nothing" I said as I turned away from HoYeon to sit down

"Alright class let's beginn" Mrs. Nam started her lesson. I once again sat in the back and HoYeon sat about 2 row infront of me. I starred at her and I was so mad at her....or wasn't I? 

𝐇𝐨𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now