Number Twenty Seven

349 15 0

TW: Drugs

Song: Disturbia - By Rihanna

HoYeon: Not famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Single


"I'll be fine Mom but I will miss you so much" I said as I hugged my mom for the last time. I'm moving out from home. The diffucult part for my mom is to accept that I won't only be 5 miles away, no. I'm moving into another country. I always wanted to live in Spain, Korea or Russia. It took me 5 years to finally made a decision. So today's the day I'm moving to Seoul in south Korea

"I'll miss you too my honey" my mother replied and tightened the hug

As we released the hug, my mom's hands remained on my shoulders. "But I'm so proud of you Y/N" she said and I saw that her eyes were tearing up. "Thank you Mom. It means alot" I replied smiling at her and gave her another hug until the car that would bring me to the airport pulled up

My furniture and everything else except my clothes and personal stuff remained at my home

It took me 30 minutes to get to the airport. I gave my baggages up and went to the security check. I hate that security check because of that gate I have to walk through. Although I have nothing illegal on me, I'm scared that it will beep anyways. Luckily, this time it let me go through without beeping. I took my backpack off of the assembly line and headed to my gate

I stood there in the middle of the airport as I looked down on my flight ticket to check again to which gate I must be heading

"Gate A34" I mumbeled to myself as I looked up from my ticket. I was at gate A11. Means I have to just keep walking foreward

As I reached the gate, I sat down and waited until it was boarding time. I pulled my phone out and played some candy crush on it.

HoYeon POV:

 "Where are you?" my friend Kung-Jin texted me. "Chill. I'm there in 5 minutes😂" I responded

Almost everyday, I meet up with my friends Kung-Jin, Bin-Li, Gi-U and Am-Go in the park. We're like inseperable. We know each other since kindergarden  and although I'm the only girl in the group, I get along with my boys extremely good

As I arrived in the park, all of them were already waiting for me. "Finally there you are" Kung-Jin said as he welcomed me with a hug. "Yeah I am you inpatient boy" I returned to him

"So what are we doing today?" I heard Gi-U ask after he lightened himself a cigarette. "How about some chilling on the big meadow and enjoying the sun and some smoking" Am-Go proposed

Although I don't smoke I agreed and we placed ourselves on the meadow in the middle of the park.


I just beat the level in candy crush as I heard a woman say over the AI "Flight LX628 to Seoul, South Korea is now boarding"

I put my phone back in my pocket and stood into the line infront of the gate

"Have a pleasant flight" the lady said to me after she has checked my boarding ticket. "Thank you" I replied smiling and kept walking. I was so excited

After I put my backpack in the deposit over the seats, I sat down on my seat, the window seat obviously and  leaned back. After a couple of minutes, a boy about my age sat down besides me. I looked at him for short and thought he looked like he's a nice guy. We didn't talk tho

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