Number Twenty Eight

316 15 0

Song: We don't talk anymore - By Charlie Puth feat. Selena Gomez

HoYeon: Not famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Single


It was about 10AM in the morning here in Seoul. The sun shines through the roller shutter infront of my window. I was sitting on my bed in my t-shirt and black joggin pants with my phone in my hand. I was resting my ellbow on my knee since I was sitting cross legged. My forehead, I rested in my hand. My mimic wasn't that happy because I was online on instagram, scrolling through someone's profile

The person the profile belongs to is HoYeon Jung

You're now wondering what kind of connection her and I have and why I am so sad while I'm scrolling through her instagram. Well her and I were so close to be in a relationship. Everything seemed to be working until her and I suddenly stopped talking

We always hung out at my or her place or outside. We went on dinner dates, sunset dates, went to the movies together or watched movies at home. We cuddeled but we never kissed. But as I said we were almost in a relationship. Her and my feelings were the same but it didn't work out. We don't even know why we stopped talking. The only thing I can imagine is that both of us thought that we lost our feelings towards each other since we both started to hang out with other people alot. We said goodbye to each other after we watched a movie at my place and after that, no one texted the other again. We don't know what happened

I kept scrolling through HoYeon's insta profile and was so focused on her pictures. I miss her. So much

I got pulled out of my thoughts as I saw and heard the notification from messages pop on on top of my screen. The message was from Zao-Kim. My best friend

"Wanna hang out today?" he texted me. I thought aboit it if I was in the condition and mood to hang out. I wouldn't wanna get my sad and bad mood onto him. But I decided that I won't let him hang so I texted back "Sure! Where and when?"

"How about we'll meet in the park at 2PM?" 

"I'll be there :)" I answered and put my phone to the side. I covered my face with my hands and let out a heavy sight. What has gone wrong between me and HoYeon?

I arrived at the park punctual at 2PM and waited on a bench for Zao-Kim to arrive. 5 minutes later, he sat down next to me

"Heyy wassup?" he said as he hugged me for greeting. "Ahh nothing much. What about you?" "Same know me" he answered what made both of us chuckle a bit

"But how is your part-time job going?" I asked him. He's working half-days in a small coffe shop in downtown to earn some money to buy himself a new car since his old one got damaged

"It's alright as long as I don't have to deal with rude and annoying customers" "Now I'm coming into your shop and annoy you on purpose" I said, teasing Zao-Kim. He punched my arm slightly and laughed a bit

After an hour of talking about jobs, new movies and songs and some other stuff, Zao-Kim asked me the question I wa spraying he wouldn't ask. "But how are things going bewtween you and HoYeon? Have the two of you made a step foreward now?" Zao-Kim smirked

"Oh...HoYeon and I well...we don't talk anymore..." I said and let my head hang a bit

"What?" Zao-Kim asked in disbelief. "But what happened? The two of you were so perfect and loving together" he added. I lifted my head up and looked straight foreward and answered Zao-Kim "I just heard she found the one she's been looking for"

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