Number Fifteen

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HoYeon: Famous

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HoYeon: Famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Couple


Today, HoYeon has a photoshooting for the cover of the new Cosmopolitan magazine. I accompanied her as always. We got welcomed very kindly. HoYeon got a white shirt which she wears with the buttons closed and a classic blue jeans everything was going well but things seemed to go downhills as soon as the shooting started. 

HoYeon POV: 

"No that's not it..." "No.." "No not it" my photographer said after every picture he took of me. Yes. I have my personal photographer. His name is Ian. I'm working with him since 9 years. It's always him who photographes me. Never someone else. He's like a brother to me.

"Should I try something else?" I asked Ian because he was obviously not happy with the pictures. 

"No sorry HoYeon. It's not you. It's me. I'm just having a really bad day because I almost didn't sleep and I'm just not really focused. And I don't have any ideas. I'd like to change somthing about the outfit but I don't know what.." Ian explained. 

"Maybe we should take a break?" I proposed and laid my hand on Ian's shoulder. "Yeah you should get some fresh air" Y/N added who just stood up from her chair and came over to us. 

"You two are probably right. I'm going outside for a bit and afterwards we can continue." I nodded in agreement as Ian walked out of the room. I turned around to Y/N who said "I feel bad for him" "Yeah. Days without sleep the night before can be tough". Y/n looked at me from top to bottom and said "You look beautiful"

 "Awww" I said before giving Y/n a kiss on her forehead "Thank you baby" I continued. 


I smiled at HoYeon and just wanted to sit down again. As I was almost completely turned around, HoYeon grabbed my arm what made me look at her again. She came closer to me and whispered in my ear what caught me to shiver "Ian is taking a break to get some time for himslef. How about you and I also have some time for the two of us" 

As HoYeon backed off my ear a bit, I cam closer so her lips were only inches away from mine. "That's what I wanted to hear since I saw you in that outfit" I whispered seductively against her lips and second in none, my face was in HoYeon's hands and her lips on mine. 

I placed my hands on her butt while the kiss immediately go heated. I traced up with my hands to HoYeon's back while HoYeon let's go of my face and lifts me up and places me on the desk in the room.

 Her hand traced up my tigh (AA: 🤤🥵) and squeezed it from time to time. My hand rested on HoYeon's rips and my other on her decoltee. 

After a while of making out, HoYeon lifted me up again and let's me on the ground again. I took her by her waist and pressed her softly against the wall after we stumbeled some steps backwards. I release my lips from hers and start to spread kisses all over her neck.

 As I kiss her soft spot, I hear her letting out a heavy breath while she lays her head into her neck. I smirked into my kisses and came back up to her lips. 

Not long after, HoYeon turned the two of us around so my back was now at the wall. HoYeon pulls down the zip of my pants while she spreads kisses over my neck. My hands were still on HoYeon's waist so I could turn the two of us around again easily. 

Since HoYeon's back is now on the wall again, I pick her up and she wraps her legs around me. Her hands on my cheecks again and her lips glued to mine.

 As I let her down after some time again, I unbottomed her white shirt. 

Just as I grabbed her zip to pull it down, HoYeon and I heard "You know what HoYeon I think-" Ian got interrupted as he saw us just releasing our lips. 

"Ian! We uhm..I uhm we" HoYeon tried to explain something while I just looked down.

 Ian interrupted her " It's perfect" 

HoYeon looked down at herself and saw her unbottomed shirt, then looked up to me. We looked at each other confused but smiled a bit. 

HoYeon POV:

 "Yes!" "That's what I wanna see" Ian said now after every picture he tookof me. I was now posing with an opened shirt. (PIC)

 "That change on the outfit was the one I needed" Ian said while he was looking trough his camera.

 "Always at your service" Y/n said while she stood besides Ian with her dose of coke in her hand. As I heard her say that, I looked over to her with my eyes and smirked a bit. And so did Y/N.

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