Number Thirty

279 13 4

Song: Marry you - By Bruno Mars

You: Not famous

HoYeon: Not famous

Relationship: Single

HoYeon POV:

 I'm now 19 years old and in my graduation year as a senior in highschool. My biggest goal was always getting into Seoul national university after highschool but that suddenly didn't matter that much anymore when I met her. Y/N Y/L/N. The girl who transered here at the start of this year 11 months ago

She comes from Y/H/CO (Your home country), she has /Y/H/C hair, Y/E/C eyes and such a pretty face. And she's a Blackpink fan what makes here even more sympathic to me since I'm too

I was playing around with my pencil between my fingers during my biology class. I know that if I wanna go to SNU I have to be really outstanding in school but Biology is just...ugh...who invented that subject?

„HoYeon are you still with us?" I heard the teacher Mrs. Mee pull me out of my thoughts

I immediately sat up straight and said „Uh yeah I am..." as I put down the pencil and go through my shoulder-long black hair

„Then what was Nam-Bin just saying?" she questioned me. My eyes went over to Nam-Bim as everyone looked at me

„Uhmm he said...that...a virus is not a self-living cell"

„Almost but I'll let it go through" Mrs. Mee said before she turned around again and continued writing on the blackboard

Shibal that was close" I thought as I leaned back in my chair again

Soon enough my eyes drifted off of the blackboard again but this time they went on Y/N who was sitting one row infront of me but a bit to my left. I could only see her side profile a little bit but even that little bit is super pretty

„Ughh HoYeon you can't stare at her for the rest of the schoolyear. Ask her if she wanna hang out with you sometime you coward" I mentally slapped myself and shrugged my face a bit. Luckily the bell rang right in that momen

„Okay and don't forget the homework for tomorrow" Mrs. Mee said as she heard the bell and turned around to face us. Everyone stood up, packed their bags and left the room to enjoy the 10 minute break between this and the next class

I had to go to my locker to put my biology book away and get my english book for the next lesson

After I exchanged the books, I closed my locker and as I looked to my left for short, I saw Y/N on her locker with airpods plugged in. I looked at her for some moments before I took a deep breath in and approached her

„Hey" I said

„Oh hey" she gave back with a smile as she unplugged one airpod from her ear. „What are you listening to?" I started the concersation and pointed at her phone which she was holding in her hand

„Oh haha uhm...pretty savage by blackpink" 

„I assumed you'd be listening to one of their songs" I gave back with a smile. „Why that?" Y/N asked smiling. „I recognized the blink sticker on your backpack. And since I'm also a blink, I think the song is and the sticker are pretty great" I answered

„You like blackpink too?" Y/N asked surprised on what I just nodded

„Favorite song?" Y/N asked smirking

„As if it's your last" I answered what made us both smirk

„But I actually wanted to ask you something else..." I began

𝐇𝐨𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now