Number Thirty Three Pt.2

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Yes I am again writing a part two to an imagine :))

HoYeon POV:

„Excuse me? When were you tow about to tell me that you're in love with each other?" someone interruptd Y/n and me

We released our lips from each others and turned our head towards the entrance where the voice came from. It was no one other than You-Mi Lee

„We uhm" Y/started and smiled like crazy as she turned her head towards me again. "We actually just found out that we feel the same" I answered

„I always thought the two of you would make a cute couple" You-Mi said after a short hesitation. Y/n and I smiled at her and we went back inside together

Squid Game is now since a month on Netflix and it totally blew up. We reached number one in 90 countries and everyhwere you go you see Squid Game

"Can I ask you something HoYeon?" I heard Y/n say from my left as we were sitting in her car, driving home

„Sure" I said and turned my head towards her. "Is it really okay for you that Rosé and me are still friends. I mean she's in love with me"

„Y/n don't worry about that. It's fine. I know I don't have to be scared of anything. I know you. And since Jennie is my best friend, we can even hang out with Blackpink even more. I absolutely have nothing against it. And besides, Rosé can't controll who she loves" I answered

Y/n smiled and nodded. We said that we'd go to my home to enjoy our first evening together. Or better said night since it's already 10Pm. Yes, the reunion was longer than we expected

As soon as we entered my house, I gave Y/n some of my comfy clothes to wear for sleeping since she had nothing with her. She looked so cute in that oversized shirt. "You look adorable" I said as she entered my bedroom

Y/n put on one of the softests smile I've ever saw

„Come here" I said as I already laid in my bed. Y/n lets herself fall into my open arms and cuddles herself close to me

„I always dreamt of that moment" she said as her head rested on my decoltee, my arms wrapped around her tightly

„You're my dream come true" I gave back and stroke through Y/n's hair. Y/n lifted her head for short to give me a soft kiss. Lights out and sleep well. Nah. Well almost

In the middle of the night, I woke up. I looked around in the darkness that filled my bedroom. I felt that Y/n was still laying besides me but she was asleep

I lifted my phone abit which was laying on my nightstand and I saw that it was around 12AM. "Why am I awake?" I thought

I went to check my whatsapp because I had one unread message from a friend

I accidently clicked on Jennie and my chat and that's when my eye peaked that Jennie was last online at 11:57Am. So she's also still awake. I mean I'm already on my phone, so why not text Jennie about Y/n and me.

Jennie POV:

I was in my room while my 3 other roomates were in Rosé's room and I don't even know why

I was just about to join them as suddenly my phone dinged. I looked back at it, picked it up and saw that HoYeon texted me.

HoYeony💙: Jennie guess what

Jennie: I know, I know, Squid Game is number one in 90 countries🤯🤯

HoYeony💙: No...I mean yes but that's not what I wanted to tell you

𝐇𝐨𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now